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American Crisis
Who Am I??

09/26/01 My Current View on Society
Society, the way we live, the way people interact, the way the group functions as a whole. These are the definitions of what I believe society is. To me, my society always seems to stay the same and change accordingly as it is stimulated by something. This change, however, seems to be only temporary and society still seems to move on like jumping a hurdle. I will try to explain this phenominon the best way I can and also try to elaborate of what I believe society is. Actually this is more of a place for me to bitch about things I see that piss me off.

Well my society I live in seems to be a very self-centered, egotistical nightmare to live in. Everyone wants something for nothing and many would screw someone else to get it. I tell myself I dont belong in this evaluation, but the truth be told, I am also egotistical, self-centered and I also want something for nothing. However, I would not screw just anyone to achieve whatever I wanted to achieve. I would only screw people who deserved to be screwed. Perhaps thats what excludes me from society becuase there are some things that dont have a price. Also, I see that society lacks common things like loyalty, honesty and understanding. I mean take for instance, your best friend, would he/she do anything for you regardless of the cost to him/her. The answer is no. If you asked your friend to allow to to borrow 500 bucks assuming he/she had it, would that person give it to you without asking why or how you would repay? No. That person asks why you can borrow the cash becuase he/she does not trust you completely and never will. People in general dont trust anyone completely, not even their own family. Society seems to be most dishonest whenever it suits that part of society to the better. An example is politics. How many times has your favorite politition lied to you to get his way? If your answer is "no" or "zero times", ask yourself how many times has he lied to other people, and screwed someone else to further his career. The answer is probably many times becuase there is no honest politition. Its not possible for there to be an honest one becuase politics are built up on lies and diceitfulness. Our society has a democratic, liberal view on things with one twist. Its up to democracy to dictate our society as long as it benefits the person(s) voting. Lets say people are voting for a new Library in the middle of some small town that REALLY NEEDS that Library and a new city hall in the middle of a large city that already has a big city hall. Everyone in the city would for the city hall. Why? becuase like I said, democracy only works if it benefits the person(s) voting nad because people are greedy, self-centered and do not care about others. Perhaps the odd individual would vote for the Library, but unfortunetaly that is not the case with many. The majority of individuals are only out for one person: themselves.

There is a lack of common understanding and acceptance amongst our society and other societies as well. As there is a lack of acceptance to change and difference between members of society. Take for instance Religion. If you are a catholic and go into a christian church, they will automatically give you predijuce and a lower social standing than one of their own. Why? becuase you are different than thema nd they have a low acceptance to a way other than their own. I personally condemn all religions as stupid and discriminating. Most religions think they are better than you unless you join them. I am an athiest and If you really give a fuck about what I have to say about religions, go to my religion link. Anyways to get back on the issue of lack of understanding, there are many ways in which people tend to show thier lack of understanding and they cant help it becuase its limited by their brain capacity. Lets take for instance, the American Bombings. Our "glorious" Canadian society mourned their deaths and prayed for their souls.. But did anyone mourn for the death of thousands of children dead at birth? Of course not. People can only comprehend what physically affects them. No one gives a flying fuck when some poor chap dies in a car accident. I think more people care about their gas prices going up and personal safety, than the fact that 7000 people are dead. This is course is targeted at people who ARE NOT related to the families in any way becuase if they are related to the killed victims, the situation affects them personally and in that case they do care that their relatives are dead but they dont give as much as a second thought to the fact that Mr. Fuckface from floor 34 also died as well. This unfortunetaly is the case with many people and although it does not affect everyone, it does affect the majority. Maybe Im worng but I go with what I see. Many people were volenteering to help the rescue effort. Why? becuase they wanted to help their fellow man... haha yeah right. All those rescuers wanted to do was give a name for themselves and become a "hero". Sure a few really worked their asses off and turned up nothing and I commend these few, but seriously, many were only in it for themselves.
Society is like that. Society will exploit whatever it can to gain. Hours, perhaps even minutes, after the WTC bombing, ebay had a flood of WTC memorabilia on sale for whoever was stupid enough to buy. Even more sickening was the fact that they were also selling WTC shrapnel to whoever wanted to buy it. Thats how much society cares for others. Do you really belive that this disaster is so bad for so many? No, many companies are booming and the fact wartime is just around the corner means that many other companies will be booming, particularly defense. Everything in society is money. Everyone wants some and more after that some. Thats the one true thing everyone wants. Even moreso than Love in many case. How come money and love is always compared to onanother? Simple, becuase many prefer money and many prefer love. Another, I believe sickening, disgusting and readily accepted practice following a tragic event is the creation of relief funds especially when they arent needed. Okay, new york needs money thats fine but what about the family of some injured kid? Or even a killed kid? Why is the first thing they do is set up a relief fund at a local bank? What the fuck do they need money for? How does it better thier life by recieving money they dont deserve? When a house is burned down and children's toys are destroyed, its ok to send money. But what if some drunk driver kid is paralyzed in a car accident? Why the hell would I want to send him or "his grieving" family any cash? Bah, this society has some issues to deal with.

All in all I must say that I am too a part of society and there are things I would would exploit to succeed. I am only human after all and I do have needs like money. But I would never sell WTC shrapnel. Thats sickening. Some people have no shame. Next thing they will try to sell is dried victim blood. Maybe some satan worshiping group of misguided teens would buy that. What would I do to get ahead? Ok I would destroy any corportation, rich person or anyone whom I thought could easily recover. By destroy I mean take over, take under, buyout, screw, manipulate, fuck over, plunder, or whatever is necessary even if it means elimination of competition. But personally I would not destroy a small business or someone's only source of welfare. On teh other hand if a person has hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions and he has a small business, taking him down for my own benefit would be okay. That's if the situation ever came up. I am greedy, self centered and devious when I need to be. But I play relatively fair and have some scruples unlike many other people. Even with my pessimistic, and at times odius view to life, I do adhear to some of my own principles and rules that define my personality and cannot be broken regardless of the situation. If you really give a fuck about me, check out my Who Am I page. Thats a full synopsis or breakdown of some shit about me. Actually its not close to full!

In general It seems as society in itself seems to revolve around in a circle. I bet that after the WTC disaster, once the world has healed, everyone will return to normal. That being, going on with boring, steadya nd "safe" life. The fact is that "safe" is boring. Everyone is so concerned about their safety and such but when it comes down to teh bottom of things, danger is exciting but for some reason undesired. I guess youre all think "duh of course danger is undesired". But the fact is people crave danger. Look at all hollywood movies. Except for boring romance flicks, in any action flick, the hero is put into series of human limit testing tryouts and ordeals and people crave this. People crave violence, adrenaline and pshysical prowless. But in real life everyone is screaming and crying and mourning. Yet when someone dies in an action flick, its all good right? Thats the main problem with the world, they tend to be so opposite depending on the situation. How is some action flick different from real life? the essense of someone dying is the same in real life and the movies. perhaps thats why fuckers like Osama bin laden can easily kill people and sleep at night becuase maybe he has figured out that people dying is not all that important. Thats the main problem. Hey look a it this way. In Nam, americans killed thousands of "gooks" and they thought nothing about it. The americans didnt care less that they were killing people or that those people had families. All they could think of was "these are just gooks... they dont deserve to live". This is preciecly what Osama is thinking. "These are just americans, they must die (insert in the name of allah here). The differencen between omasa and Nam is purely cosmetic. Its all boggles down to two things. The value of "enemy" life and hate. Just like any action flick, osama does not care about the humanatarian consequences becuase to him, the americans are little more than what americans thought of as "gooks". The fact is Omasa is no different from other soldiers as he is fighting for his cause and every soldier has a cause. Americans were considered war heroes for fighting in Nam and killing people and Osama is considered a hero by his society for doing the same. Now what the fuck does this ahve to do with society... oh well
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