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American Crisis
Who Am I??

09/25/01 My Current View on the whole situation
Okay I must say this to start my argument, so you know exactly what my position is. I believe that what the Americans are doing is right but I believe that the way they are going at it is wrong. I will not suggest a better way becuase Im not a diplomat. I have NO prejudice against Islamic people, Americans, or any race. If you get that feeling reading this, lose it. Im not a fucking redneck racist asshole and I never will be. I dont give a fuck if youre arabic, black chinese or white. I think Omasa should be publically slaughered with a thumbtack or a rusty fishing hook, not cause he is Arabic, but becuase he is an insane killer. I am pretty neutral here as far as sides go. In this personal report on everything thats happened, I insult both sides. So enjoy (i hope) my fucked up view on this entire situation

Well as it stands now today, exactly two weeks after the planes hit the WTC, the world is preparing for war. Ok so this War shit happened last week but It took me awhile to get this up. Yes, Bush has announced his "amiable" ultimatum to the world (and to Afganistan) and basically started the seeds of Armageddon. This is my bleak prediction to the whole event leading towards the destruction of humanity:

I believe that the USA will wage war on Afganistan and will try to find more allies spanning the globe to boost thier already crushing powerhouse of weapons, allies and National defense. I say National defense becuase the US does not care about anyone but themselves. Even if Canada or Europe was destroyed Americans would shrug it off as a casualy of war. But lets say someone knocked down the statue of Liberty.. now thats a personal attack of the U.S.! A recent example is desert storm. The question is why didnt The USA Nuke bagdad and demolish the arabic popluation there to the point of fucking genocide? The answer is so simple. The americans were afraid of retaliation from Saddam or another Islamic country. The question youre probably asking me is what the fuck could Saddam do to the US? Okay, reality check, Saddam is sitting on fucking oil fields and has more expendable capitol than the entire NATO combined. But the question everyone seems to ask is who in their right mind would sell Saddam weapons? Thats an unanswered question but this reality is what the Americans were afraid of. In desert storm the Iracies used some previously undiscovered or unknown chemical weapons on the American forces and to this day, soldiers are still dying and/or having adverse effects produced by the chemical toxins. Now imagine you worked for the goverment and was in charge of nuclear missles and then one day some arab guy offered you a TRILLION dollars for a Nuke, would you take that offer? Maybe not you (I wouldnt), but perhaps some other crazy 40 year old fuck working for the defense department would. Its that crazy old fuck that americans were afraid of in desert storm becuase the Americans were NOT SURE if Saddam had Nuclear Power or not. The Americans knew that Saddam had so much fucking money and all he needed was a seller. Why do you think every Iracie Soldier had full army cammo, equipment and were also armed with AK-47's? Why? becuase arming every freaking soldier was chump change to Saddam. During desert storm stockholds of gold, cars, and modern electronic equipment were found in various bunkers and silos that were captured. A movie called "Three Kings" revealed this to the world a couple years ago.

Anyways to get back to the present situation I want to mention a few things that differ from the last war. The main difference is the attack. This attack hit Americas "heartland" and has really angered many americans. That's the problem now, the anger is here. Americans, and almost all countries, are singling out Islamic people, especially arabs. Every day you hear about domestic racial violence against the Islamic people and although the government condemns this act as inhuman and sick, I BET that most of those governement officals (american or Canadian), if they could, would do the same. In fact when Mr. (insert high ranking government offical here) is behind closed doors with his family, I bet he also condemns the "arabs" as well. I bet that almost every American wants revenge and they all HATE the arabic people now. Most americans are too stupid to realize that the attacks were caused by religious fanatics and that other Islamic people are peaceful. On TV (the NEWS....CNN...COUGH) the most prevalent and publicized images of the Islamic people are pictures or videos of them waving thier AK-47's in the air and holding banners that say "KILL AMERICA". News stations publicize this to rejuvinate and fuel the already bitter anger in americans. I bet that the government asked top TV networks to publicize these images to add to the already hateful community of vengeful people. See, my instincts tell me that these horrible images on television do more than get our attention. Constantly showing the images of the burning twin towers and angry psychotic AK-47 weilding arabs has one subliminal effect on us; it desensitizes us and makes us become blood thirsty killing machines. I am betting that these images are purposely shown to us to by networks, who are told to show these images to us, by the government. Why? becuase as i mentioned before it makes us bloodthirsty and vengeful but it also helps stablize the decisions made by the American government. Almost every american thinks what Bush is doing, is right. They are so blinded by rage and most of them are too full of themselves to realize that starting a war with terrorists and countries that "harbor" terrorists might lead to another world war. Also I bet the networks and government need people to be angry and desenitized in case there is mass genocide and millions of Islamic people are killed. I mean americans have to "live" with that on their heads and at the moment I believe the TV networks are readying the people for this bleak eventuality.

A bit on the history of Afganistan.. Afganistan has always been a war zone and for the most part, the Afgan people are all honorable battle-ridden warriors who make the green berets look like overweight, lazy pussies. For millenia the Afgan people have battled the environment, other Islamic nations, and countless oppressors who have for the most part unsuccessfully tried to conquer thier land. During the 80's the Russians tried for 9 years to establish outposts and a military presense in Afganistan. They were unsuccessful in thier 9 year campain to conquer Afganistan and eventually were driven out. The US helped afganistan during this war by providing anti-missle defense and training in modern warfare. The US, incidently, created super warriors. These afgan people now, have military training, are aware of modern technology, and have an ancient passed down tradition of being able to survive. Now why would they want to harbor a terrorist like osama bin laden? Its simple. To them he is a freedom fighter, one with courage, one whom fights for "allah" and is not threatened by super powers like the United States. He is to them, a hero in a way. The taliban is a newer goverment formed after the soviets (russians) ceased their attack on Afganistan. This governement initially helped reestablish a battle ridden society and was for many years an exceptional government for Afganistan. But recently, this government broke down, went chaotic and thus there is chaos again in afganistan. (some want omasa and some dont)

Now lets again go back to the current situation. Lets say the americans decide to rush and attack Afganistan. They will have serious trouble destroying this nation. The Afgans are too strong willed and genetically skilled in warfare to make life easy for the americans. The Afgans are a piss poor country and have managed to hold off economic powerhouses like russia for 9 years. Now I have heard from americans that they have technology, power, skill, and training, and that unlike russia, they will previal.... What a load of steamy horse shit. The Americans are as fucking clueless as the Russians were and they will probably also fail. They may destroy afganistan but these people will move on and establish militant groups that are not unlike Osama's, and will continue to attack The USA for years to come. What might happen is that the Islamic people might get it inot their stupid angry heads that they ALL have to work together, and if they do, then the world is in for world war. The USA cannot destroy afganistan or storm it with troops because of millions of hiding places in afganistan.. caves, deserts, moutains... list goes on. There are too many hiding spots in Afganistan to storm it. One skilled guerrilla sniper can take out hundreds of Ameircan soldiers undetected. Or a mountainous fortified bunker with a small crevice with minguns pointing out can also flatten an American Battalion to mangled blood and guts. Now another variable for the American soldiers. The terrain and climate. The deserts there are extremely hot and dry and at present te Afgans have had a three year drought. They know how to survive this climate, the Americans do not. Just rushing in unprepared would be futile. Sure the Americans could set up camps and perimeters, but those wouldnt hold very long to guerrila attacks. These are reasons why the Americans cant touch Afganistan. If they Nuke afganistan, they start WW3, if they rush in and storm Afganistan, they die. Do you think the President would seriously make threats and not act if he could act? They know they cant do shit to Afganistan and for now all they can do is make demands. The Americans dont care about diplomacy with people like the Afgans but since they have no options, why not try?

Today's Conclusion:
Well I guess I talked about a whole lotta shit now and kinda got off track on this whole incident and my prediction of Amrageddon. Lets get back to that for a sec. Okay maybe Armageddon it wont be, but I bet WW3 is not far from now. If its not this incident, then its the next one. Lets say the Afgans call Bush's "bluff", and give up Osama, then great maybe the Islamic people will be mad but who gives a fuck, the americans won right? peace and love? Fuck no. In the case that Omasa is given up, then there will be upheaval within all Islamic nations and this migth affect the rest of the world up. If Osama is NOT given up and a war on terrorism rages, then eventually Osama will be assasinated or killed and he will become a Martyr. Then maybe all the Islamic nations will unite and destroy everyone else (and themselves). Basically i see a no win situation here and either way bloodshed all around. But then again tomorrow I might see a better scenerio and perhaps it will be fun to read as well. more to come... im tired right now.

10/03/01 An Updated View
Well it seems as if the crisis has lost its urgency or shock value entirely. The media actually casts local events and the usual friendliness and familiarity of normal life has settled in. Oh wait? What about Osmama and all the terrorist stuff? Isnt that still important? Isnt the US gonna do something? Hey what about afganistan? Isnt that still a country? Yeah right! This Crisis is still in early stages, but the mask of familiarity is covering it up. Just becuase nothing has happened doesnt mean its over in any sort of way.

Today I was reading Maclean's magazine and they had a report on countries supporting the USA. Every country had reservations that they actually published or released. Most of them were somewhat opposed to the the idea of waging war for various reasons, perhaps fear. But incidentaly most of these countries were siding with the USA. Why would the do that? Oh thats a stupid question (haha I feel like im talking to myself here) The reason they side with the USA is simple, favors and probably also fear. A friend of the United States of America is also a friend of Endless weaponary, Powerful technology and Capitalism. And why not team up with the superpower on this one. Its not like (insert country here) will be targeted like the Americans were. Besides what do they have to lose? A few troops? A bit of outdated technology? A building or two? NO big deal (a small price to pay) -- becuase in the long run they gain the support of the west. Perhaps for some, pledging American support is their key into NATO and National....err international defense. I dont believe that any of these countries give two shits that America was attacked. I think they are in it for themselves as stated above. But who gives a fuck? America gets its support, They get renowned for their courage and nobility by helping the greater cause and oh yeah, they get known. Many countries, by pledging their support, get put on the map. Fuck Im getting old in my young age. I should have made this my first point of bitching! Countries want to look like heroes and get their chance to be in the spotlight.

Holy Shit!!!! Japan might actually join the Americans cause. Now wait, WHAT THE FUCK?? Didnt Japan get Nuked by the US? Didnt they attack pearl harbor? Its funny becuase they promised after Hiroshima that they would never engage war with anyone ever again. Now there is apparently a small problem for them. They want to help the US and perhaps improve their international standing (didnt i tell you countries are out for only themselves) BUT they promised never to engage in war again. I am gonna watch this one closely. I want to see if the old enemy will join the cause.

I was wrong before on some of the political shit of afganistan. The Taliban government was never really a true government. It was a militant country that took over Kabul in 1997 after years of civil war. Before I said that they drove out the Russians or something but thats not the case. They were a group of rather militant, strict and oppressive people who stormed the capitol and basically annexed it. They were however still a good government for fixing up a war ravaged country. OK what the fuck? "war ravaged"? Thats a quote used in every freaking magazine and media presentation. What kind of bitcher am I? Bah, I must be tired if I can only muster up a couple of cliched descriptions... Im getting soft....fuck.... Anyways, Ill atempt to redeem myself -- if youre still here that is.

Oh yeah, fuck, the Taliban actually admitted to "harboring" Osama. Everyone knew that scum was there but they, until recently, denied his existance in afganistan. Bunch of fucking chicken shits. I thought the taliban had balls or something and apparently they dont. The were too afraid to confirm the fact that THEY had Osama. Up until now I thought they had balls of steel... more like cotton. But why the fuck admit it now that America and its lackies are preparing to attack? I still havent figured it out? Why affirmate everything the US was saying by harboring terrorist right before an attack is imminent? So they have lied and admitted to lying. The question that comes to my mind is what other things are they hiding? Oh well maybe they will tell us tomorrow or when the time is worst for them. HAHAHA.. maybe when the US storms Afganistan they will release the info on bunkers and silos and make the US troops job easy! Oh but I wouldnt be surprised, these people are pretty stupid, especially the Taliban. Fucking why dont they just give him up and ask the US for that 30 million dollar bounty! Wow that money should revitalize the economy there:P Actually 30 dollars would revitalize their economy... :)

There are appartly numerous groups of bounty hunter dispatched to Afganistan looking to make a few... million bucks. The truth is there IS a 30 million dollar bounty for Osama (dead or alive) or information leading to his arrest or capture. Imagine this. Imagine a group of bounty hunters captures him, on their way back to the US they are intercepted by other bounty hunters who are intercepted by bounty hunters later on. Haha.. capturing Osama is one thing, but getting him back is another. Also Osama countered his bounty with a bounty for $10 000 for every american soldier killed! This should be interesting.
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