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U.S. Department of Commerce

Knite Enterprises Inc., protect your invention before you disclose its nomentclature.
Text version of actual letter written:

Clyde Knight Jr.
10 x xxxxxxx Rd.
Gxxxxxxxxx N.Y.12345
(123) 456-7890
December 22, 19xx

U.S.Department of Commerce

Dear Agency,

I have for the past several years developed - on paper - several innovative ideas. A few have been submitted to the PT0 and are now pending an allowance. In that I am an individual inventor I am very aware of the fact that my ideas can be easily stolen or duplicated. However, I have been very cautious in my communiques to a variety of companies. Some of the said companies are Automotive companies such as: BMW, F0RD, GM, Chrysler; Development firms such as: Battelle Development Corporation; Marketing firms such as: ISC (Invention Submission Corporation).

All of the above listed companies showed and continue to show intense entusiasm for this specific innovation. Said innovation is designed to accommodate the Automotive Industry. However, I decided to trust in the marketing firm as a strategy to introduce my idea to industry. ISC I found out later is nothing more than a firm of scam artists. This issue has been handed over to the FTC for resolution. In the light of all this I still desire to seek out an agency to produce and market my innovative ideas. Any assistance that your office can offer would be much appreciated!



Clyde Knight, Jr.


P.S. Please find enclosed a concept drawing illustrating the benefits of this unique innovation.

Actual Document:

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