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Letter to Representative

Knite Enterprises Inc., protect your invention before you disclose its nomentclature.
Text version of original letter written:

Clyde Knight Jr.
10 E xxxxxxxxxx Rd.
Gxxxxxxx N.Y.12345
(914) 942-1540
November 10, 19xx

Dear Representative,

I am a N.Y. inventor. I have invented several innovative automotive concepts, one of such has a patent pending at the U S. Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D. C. I have also contacted several automotive companies such as: BMW, Ford, Chrysler, General Motors Corporation, and Navistar Corporation; I have contacted several manufacturing companies such as: Goodyear, Firestone, UniRoyal, and a few Research and Development Companies such as: Battelle Inc. etc., all of whom have expressed enthusiasm in said Concept thus requesting additional information as to the details and specifications of said invention.

Prior to contacting said companies, I contacted the National Traffic and Safety Administration and explained the concept in brief. Said Administration also expressed enthusiasm in said concept but went on to explain that it could not sponser said concept because of its position as a Government Regulatory Agency. I have not forwarded any additional details or specifications to any of the companies that have expressed entusiasm thus far. However, I am diligently seeking an avenue to introduce my concept to Industry. I have retained a marketing research form for this cause but to no avail. Please, if your company could assist me in any way I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much for your assistance.

Yours Truly,

Clyde Knight, Jr.


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