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Letter from Chrysler Corporation

Knite Enterprises Inc., protect your invention before you disclose its nomentclature.
Text version of original letter:

Chrysler Corporation
Outside Suggestions Department

Mr. Clyde Knight Jr.
10 x xxxxxxx Rd.
Gxxxxxxxx, NY 12345

Dear Mr. Knight Jr.:

I am writing to acknowledge your recent communication concerning a suggestion you wish to submit to Chrysler Corporation.

Our policy for evaluating suggestions from outside the corporation requires that they be thoroughly researched and developed. The preferred format in which to present your suggestion is a U.S. patent or copyright, according to the type of suggestion being presented. If you do not have a patent or copyright, we require information and drawings comparable to that used in those documents. Prototypes with bona fide test data may also prove satisfactory in the absence of a patent, or working models with sufficient technical information may be acceptable.

Chrysler Corporation does not wish to develop ideas for suggesters, nor to participate in cooperative development programs on such ideas.

If your suggestion meets the above requirement, we would be willing to evaluate it under the terms of our corporate policy. These terms are set forth on a Suggestion Agreement form and the reasons for the policy are explained on the reverse side of that form, two copies of which are enclosed.

If you wish Chrysler Corporation to consider your suggestion on these terms, please execute and return one unaltered copy of the Suggestion Agreement to this office along with descriptive information about your suggestion on which to base our evaluation. We will notify you of the results of our evaluation as soon as our workload and priorities permit.

Your interest in our company is appreciated.


J.L. Sorensen
Encl: Forms (2)
CIMS 418-05-30
12000 Chrysler Drive
Highland Park Ml 48288-1118

Actual Document:

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