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Letter from Eaton Corporation

Knite Enterprises Inc., protect your invention before you disclose its nomentclature.
Text version of the original letter:

Eaton Corporation
Corporate Research & Development
26201 Northwestern Highway
P.O. Box 766
South field, Michigan 48037
(313) 354-2700
Telex 230157

June 25, 19xx
Mr Clyde Knight, Jr.
40D xxxxxx Drive
Gxxxxxxxx, NY 12345

Dear Mr. Knight:

Your letter of June 19 to Mr. Butler has been directed to me, since I respond to all outside submissions of new technology to Eaton Corporation.

Eaton is willing to evaluate your concept, but it will have to be on a non-confidential basis, which would require a waiver from you. I surmise from your letter that this is not acceptable and I must, therefore, decline your offer.

If, however, you should reconsider and agree to a waiver, please sign one copy of the enclosed form, and return it along with any technical material you wish to submit, preferably a patent or patent application.

Because this waiver may affect your rights, you will no doubt want to obtain legal counsel before signing.

If you do proceed, I will direct the information to the appropriate group for evaluation and subsequently advise you whether Eaton is interested in pursuing the technology.


Donald D. Lanese

Outside Submissions Agent
Eaton Corporation

DDL:cer Enclosures

Actual Document:

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