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Letter from General Motors Corporation

Knite Enterprises Inc., protect your invention before you disclose its nomentclature.
Text version of the original letter:

Advanced Engineering Staff

June 29, 19xx

Mr. Clyde Knight, Jr.
10 x xxxxxxxx Road
Gxxxxxxxx, NY 12345

Ref: N. D. File #248xxx

Dear Mr. Knight:

General Motors Research Laboratories referred to our New Devices Section your recent correspondence in regard to your proposed Inflation Ring concept. As mentioned in the enclosed pamphlet, our New Devices Section is responsible for investigating ideas and developments that are brought to the attention of General Motors.

We would be glad to review the material we have received regarding your concept, but before doing so we must be assured that you are in agreement with our policies. The acceptance of these policies can be indicated by completing and returning the form which constitutes the last page of the above mentioned pamphlet.

Thank you.

Very truly yours,

N. B Budzol
Assistant Director
GM New Devices Section


enclosure pamphlet

"Develop great cars and trucks that no one else can"
General Motors Technical Center
Engineering Building
30200 Mound Road
Warren, Michigan 48090-9010

Actual Document:

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