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The Chariot is another interesting image in the Tarot.  A man stands in his carriage, there is a sphinx-like creature on either side of it where wheels should be. One of them black, and the other white.  The man holds no reins and therefore suggests that he either does not care where he is lead, or he has no control of the situation.  Either way, he is in the hands of destiny.  There is what appears to be a town behind him in the distance.  
The image in this card suggests to me many things.  It suggests that the town which is behind him is the path that he has taken in the past to arrive where he is now. 
The 2 creatures before him, in polar colours, represent to me both the positive and negative forces of wisdom working together to lead us to our fates.  
It is an interpretation that is my own and one that you may agree with when you go to read and understand the Tarot for yourself.   

Divinatory Meaning 

To see this card in a reading is a good sign.  It suggests that the person is 'on the path' to what they desire in life.  For instance, in a love spread it can mean to be on the way to a new love relationship and in a work spread be on the right track to get the right job.  It can also be read as a affirmation that the person is on the right track and they have made the right decisions and actions in the past.  
This card represents these things taking into account the past actions of the querent.  If they continue to work on the issues as they have done so in the past, then they will soon see the results that they deserve.
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