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A man and a woman stand beneath an angel. The sun of God shine behind her wings as she rises from the clouds. The man and woman appear to be references to Adam and Eve as the infamous apple tree and snake stand behind the woman and another tree behind the man.  There is a mountainin the distance and the skies are blue. 
Unlike the revenge of God thrown at Adam and Eve, this card paints a very difference picture.  As Adam and Eve look up towards the angel there is no fear in their faces nor rage from the Angel.  They appear to be in tune with the Angels messages and as their hands are held palm upwards, welcoming to her blessings. 
This card presents a pleasing image, different to the image presented of Adam and Eve in the bible.  Here both the woman and the man appear equal.  Both naked and humbled by the glory of the angel. 
Divinatory Meaning

In a reading, this card is a lucky card to see.  It represents harmony between both the male and female sides and shows a period of fortune arriving for the person. They can expect good times and although this card means 'The Lovers', it can often refer to a productive period of time at work also. 
This card is good to see when beginning any undertakings as it denotes compatibility with the desired ideas and can mean success.  In a love spread, this card can show a new love affair or a period of romance in and existing relationship.
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