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The Death card is often seen as a scary card in the deck.  A figure representing Death rides on a horse, the victor in a battle against the people as he holds his flag of triumph high.  A Priest prays in the background for mercy and masses die at the feet of the horse.  Death is clearly the winner here as the sun sets in the horizon and not one person in seen in the card left alive other than the Priest.  The horse is white and the figure black representing the balancing of positive and negative energies at the end. 

Divinatory Meaning 

Death in the Tarot rarely means actual death.  Actually, I have not seen an instance where this is the case.  Rather it is better to understand the real meaning of death when we read the cards and that is simply a change.  When this card is seen in a reading it means that there will be a major change in the situation regarding the matter and the cards surrounding the Death card will indicate whether this card will bring good change or bad change. However the death card itself means only change, neither positive or negative.   This is one of the most important cards in the deck and when it is seen it can be sure that the change will come.  Usually the change is dramatic in nature and will affect the life of the person in a big way. 
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