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An angel stands with her feet in the river. One foot placed within and one on the ground. She is pouring from one cup to the other the water fromthe river and the sun rises in the background. Her 3rd eye is open and she watches her actions thoughfully. Just as Death is the end, this card the beginning after that end. She stands peacefully and with wisdom pouring her water and not spilling a drop. She understands and can see through her eye the truth and the knowledge that she needs for her task.   

Divinatory Meaning 

I interpret this card in a reading to mean that there is readjusting and balancing that needs to be done.  It shows a need for working out life and also represents the spiritual understanding that derives from working out the balance within life.  When asking the deck about a specific matter, this card indicates that first the person needs to work out things in their own life before moving forward to success.  
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