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The similarities between this card and the Lovers are many.  It is almost as though from the image, this card is the lovers reversed.  The devil sits high on is throne, yet not as high as the Angel in the Lovers.  A man and woman stand by the devils feet both chained to his throne - whereas in the lovers they were in open acceptance of divine goodness.  Here the lovers are bound to the negative in the Lovers card they were free. 
 The image of the Devil in this card is a traditional biblical one.  The wings representing the Angel who fell from heaven along with the dour face and horns, accompanying a pentacle on his forehead - it is an image of Satan which the Christian bible tends to support. 
Although this card is often met with some fear, it is not a card which indicates Satan literally.  The image on this card is directly representing those properties which we come to understand to be bad or negative. 

Divinatory Meaning 

I interpret this card in a reading to usually mean various representations of negative habits or behaviour patterns.  It can indicate drug abuse, alcoholism, fear in it's absolute and physical abuse. It is a card that needs to be considered carefully in a reading and the surrounding cards will indicate the extent of the influence. Alone, this card can indicate simply a return to negative thought patterns which are unproductive. 
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