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The Towers image is one of fright.  There is what appears to be the Tower of Babylon, collapsing and being overthrown.  The crown on the top of the tower is being blown off and the lightening and thunder clouds behind the tower show a destructive storm.  People are being thrown from the tower in disarray as flames engulf the rooms in the tower.  
This is an image that clearly shows destruction.  As the people are thrown from the tower the look of fear on their faces indicates that they had little warning and no time to escape. It is almost as though the higher they were in the Tower, the further they had to fall.  The tower standing on top of a mountain peak indicates to me this again, the higher you are, the further you have to fall. 

Divinatory Meaning 

To see this card in a reading usually isn't as bad as would appear.  I enjoy this card as it tend to means that negative patterns and behaviours will be overthrown.  It can mean a sudden and unexpected change in life and a total renewal of values resulting from this change.  This is a card where total physical change will take place.   
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