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The Emperor sits on his solid, sturdy throne.  It is the throne of the true King,  larger than his figure and masculine.  You will notice the difference between the throne of the Empress and the throne of the Emperor.  While the Empress is reclining, the Emperor sits upright with his spine straight - an image of masculinity.  His has a long beard indicating he is wise and wears red robes - red being the traditional colour of maleness.  Underneath his robes he wears a suit of armor, indicating that although he sits on the throne, he is by no means a sitting target. 
The Emperor represents all that is MALE is the same way the the Empress represents all that is FEMALE.  

Divinatory Meaning

The Emperor in a reading means male. It either means that the person is going to be getting in touch with their masculine side or they will have an encounter with someoe who is very male. Generally, I tend to see it as a manifestation of all thigs that are male. This meaning that the person can expect success in matters as a result of hard work and effort. It is not success that comes easily as with other cards. However this is often beneficial as it indicates that and gains acheived will be long-term in nature as the path to them was properly paved.  This card can represent a father or husband in a womans spread or a father or male employer in a male spread.  However rest assured that this male will probably represent a man who is most  important in their lives.
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