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The Hierophant is an interesting image. He stands, evidently a priest with his hands raises as though giving a sermon. There are 2 disciples by his feet, appearing to be monks. He, like the High Priestess, stands between 2 columns. Yet unlike the High Priestess, the columns do not have the same significance. Where the High Priestess sat between 2 forms of energy as such, the hierophant stands between 2 columns that are exactly the same. There are 2 keys as a symbol crossing over each other below his feet . It is debateable what this exactly means however given the meaning of the card I am going to take it to mean that the answers or 'key' to the problems are there, but are not to be seen as the heirophant is not yet ready for them.  

Divinatory Meaning

I interpret this card in a reading to usually mean one thing - difficulty and learning in the the school of life. This is a card of learning about life the hard way and although the benefits of this card are not apparent within it,  it is this card that gives us our empathetic understanding of others.  This card is often defined to mean 'difficulty' overall, however I believe that specifically it means learning through living. 
The lessons of the Heirophant are never wasted and are usually what we choose to experience for ourselves to help us grow.  This is never a bad card to see - just often a misunderstood card.  
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