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The Empress sits upon her reclining throne, on her head a crown of flowers and wearing a floral robe.  Her throne is made of pillows and by her side is the symbol for female in the shape of a heart.  Behind her is a forest of trees and before her a lawn of grass.  She is relaxed, her face pleasant as she appears to be at home and in control of her surroundings.  The image here references Mother Nature in all of her glory.  It is the symbol of Mother Nature that the card uses as representing an important element in the universe - all that is female. 
The image of the Empress reclining comfortably in the domain that appears to be the realm of Mother Nature appears to symbolise this more than anything. 

Divinatory Meaning

To see the Empress in a spread denotes that the person will experience a period of fertility.  Either this period will be in work, love or another area of like.  Occasionally, this card can mean pregnancy itself, but I would not take this card to heart literally if you were to consult the deck on such matters.  Often and usually, this card simply means fertility in all of it's forms coming into the querents life. 
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