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This image is very similar to the image presented in Western Law as Justice.  A woman sits upon her chair - 2 equal pillars to each side.  She hold the scales in one hand and the sword in the other.  The sword represents swift punishment for crimes commited while the scales represent balance and equality in judgement.  In the western law image, Justica is blindfolded whereas here, she is not.  The blindfold refers to the idea that she is blind and therefore unbiased.  I am unsure what the significance of her being unblindfoled in the Tarot is, however I will assume that it is so that she may 'see the truth'.

Divinatory Meaning 

This card means that balance and equilibruim need to be acheived in the person's life, or rather, that it will be acheived.  Although this is a more general interpretation, I tend to view this card as relating to legal matters directly.  When asked about love, this card can mean a legal marriage or divorce.  When in matters of work it can mean that contracts will be signed regarding employment. It can also mean that a court case is coming up, or that the person will enter the legal profession.  I generally find that it usually relates to legal matters specifically. Yet it is best to check the surrounding cards for support as to deem that a divorce is likely might be incorrect as the concept of applying equality to a relationship in order for it to work might also be appropriate. 
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