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Beings from heaven sit on clouds surrounding a circle.  On the circle, a sphinx from the Chariot and a snake from the Lovers lie.  
I am sorry to say that although I have many Tarot books, none of them go into too much detail regarding all of the symbols on this card.   I feel that in order to descibe this card properly I will have to talk about all of the symbols, not just the few that I know. 
I shall have a further look for the meanings and I shall add them on here as soon as I am able.  
Thank you for your patience. 
The divinatory meaning below however should be correct.  

Divinatory Meaning 

This is a very lucky card to see in a reading.  The person can expect good fortune and a lucky time.  They can expect things to work out for them and for the tides to turn in their favour if they have been having a run of bad luck.  
The Wheel often refers to the idea that luck works in cycles and we all experience periods of fortune or misfortune in our lives.  This card shows that the wheel has turned to benefit us and this card is often seen the the spreads of those who have recently had a hard time. 
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