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Where the Star is the image of water aligned and balanced, this card is the image of 'the other side' of water.  Where the Star once knelt to create the rivers and the lakes, a dog and wolf now stand, baying at the moon.  There is scorpion climbing out of the water and onto the land.  Instead of stars in the nights sky, there is a sun covered and what almost looks like rain from above falling down.  
This is a deep and intense image and although it isn't fearful, it is one that suggests natural melancholia.
What is interesting about the 'natural' negative cards is that they all seem to have the picture of 2 columns of equal height and width standing to each side of the image within the card both of which have no engravings or etchings.  This suggests to me that the image is caught between a 'rock and a hard place'.

Divinatory Meaning 

The Moon is a difficult card to read in a reading.  To see it denotes that there has been some illusion taken place which is preventing the person from seeing the truth.  As this card is a major arcana card, it can be assumed that when this card is seen that there is something major which is being concealed from the person regarding the matter.  This can either be a lie from another person or more likely, simply a matter in which the complete truth has not been revealed due to the short nature of time the person has been involved with it.  
This card can also suggest 'night' or evening activities and all things associated such as drinking and bars.  However the surrounding cards must be checked in order to see which is more appropriate. 
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