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The Damocles Directive
Gamemaster: Jeremiah "Hawksmoor" Pointer

This Campaign is Not Yet Accepting Character Submissions

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Campaign Description: The Damocles Directive campaign is a high-powered PBEM campaign featuring the adventures of superpowered beings being given a rather unique chance at redemption. The characters are super-villains, not heroes that have a bit of bad luck, not misguided vigilantes; they are out and out super-villains. They have gone up against the best heroes the Global Guardians universe has thrown at them time and time again. They have hatched nefarious plots holding entire cities hostage for $1,000,000,000, or been an important ally of someone who has. They have been on the cusp of total victory many, many times, but always they are thwarted.

Importance of the Player Characters: Very important.  Not only are these characters fighting world-threatening villains, non-combat character development and interaction will be a major part of the game.  Players should expect to have several turns be nothing but their characters talking to each other and living/working together in non-combat scenarios.

It should be noted that not all scenarios will include all of the Player Characters at the same time, and sometimes multiple scenarios will be playing out with multiple groups of players simultaneously.

World Description: The Global Guardians Universe is a four-color comic book world full of larger than life characters.  Technology is more advanced that the real world, and magic is real.  Aliens and creatures of legend roam the earth.

The Story So Far: After your latest escapade you find yourself in prison, separated from your mighty weapons, powers nullified by annoying restraints, and held in an ultra-max detention center. Then you were approached by a man in a suit. The man offered you a reduced sentence, more freedoms and access to your dearly missed powers. All you had to do was agree to a few ‘excursions’. You agreed, after all once your powers were your own you believed you could break any contract. Once liberated you planned to take your vengeance against the foes that foiled you one time too many. It was not to be the case.

After volunteering and signing your name to the dotted line, you were taken to another room in the prison. There another device was fitted around your neck, even as the dampers and cuffs were removed. This device would monitor your condition, location, and ensure your proper behavior through various draconian ways. The Dedlok, as it was called, can bring you to heel, and if needed, kill you. The Suit demonstrated its capacity for correction for you. When you woke up back in your cell, you determined then and there that if you were given the slightest chance, if the bit slipped once, you would get your revenge.

But now you are an agent of the Damocles Directive; a group of villains that have no choice but to follow the orders of the Directive and the Hero assigned to watch over you as a guardian and policeman. You have your powers and equipment back, but your freedom has been stripped from you. You are sent into conflicts that only ‘superheroes’ can handle. The Directive thinks you are expendable: Prove them wrong.

Local Relations: Damocles agents are not authorized to do anything. According to the authorities the characters should be in prison. Any action taken by the Players must be considered a last resort. The characters are under orders not to be interviewed by the press and to avoid civilian authorities at all costs. Hero groups will often confuse you for the villains behind what ever problem Damocles agents are dispatched to deal with.

Morality: The Damocles Directive is stereotypical four-color campaign, and for the most part the morality of the campaign will be four-color as well. However, there will be some crossover between good and evil, and thing will not always be black and white. Characters will find themselves making difficult decisions, but should view killing is an absolute last option. This is not an Iron or "bronze" age game.

Realism: Strong, Action sequences will be cinematic and descriptive. Characters won't die unless they take excessive risks or are going out in a blaze of glory. How you role-play the character will do a great deal to determine the realism of the game, so please put some soul into your characters. Try to make your descriptions as gritty as possible –use plenty of trash and dilapidated buildings where appropriate, for example. The characters will not exactly find themselves saving the world every other adventure, but their successes will always mean the world to somebody, no matter how insignificant they might seem.

Outlook: While the outlook will be mostly neutral, there will be as many dark moments as light and many challenges outside of combat. The characters will start out as "villains on a leash". It will be up to them to decide what they are going to do with the new life they have, redemption is an option, but it will not be an easy road.

Seriousness: While the overall tone of the campaign will be very serious, there will be time for a certain amount of light hearted banter, or comic relief. The heroes will be the world's last line of defense against the direst of situations. This does not mean that there is no room for humor. Witty repartee, creative use of powers, and the way you play should provide plenty of humor in the midst of even the direst situation.

Continuity: The game will be mostly serial. Player actions in one scenario will have effects on later scenarios and continuity will be enforced. However some adventures will be inserted with little concern for continuity, as needed by the Global Guardians metaverse. Most adventures will however move linearly through time. Bad guys will remember who you are and what you did to them, and the press will print your exploits for the world to see.

Building a Character for the Damocles Directive

The most important thing to remember when building a character for this campaign is this: the agents used by the Damocles Directive are supervillains, they have great power, but they are not omnipotent. They have faced heroes on scores of occasions and are quite skilled in the use of their powers.

Character concepts should be submitted with full background and Global Guardians formatted character write-up. Villains canonically in the Global Guardians universe can be submitted with prior approval of the Campaign and NPC Directors. Other Character’s will be considered retconned into the timeline.

All Damocles characters should follow these guidelines:

The Villains

Starting Points: 250
Maximum Disadvantages: 100 (See Below)
Maximum Active Points for Any One Power: 60 (See Below)
Maximum Points From One Category of Disadvantgage: 50
Special Restrictions:

  • It is advised that the players make use of all 100 points of disadvantages.
  • All villainous player characters are required to take the 4 point Damocles Directive package.
  • Each character is allowed a single exception to the Active Point Cap of 60; for a single power, the character may take up to 90 active points.  Each power so taken must be unique to the individual character.  (For example, if someone takes 90 active points of Energy Blast, no other character is permitted to take 90 points of Energy Blast.)
  • Characters may take up to 75 points of Psychological Limitations, rather than the usual 50 point per category limit.
  • All player characters should avoid having psychological limitations that levy judgment on the value of human life. Trigger happy killers would never receive the offer from the Directive.
  • Ensure that the PC you build is not a clown, you are chosen for your skills not to amuse the Directive.
  • Inherent powers are preferred over focus-based powers.  After all, Gadgeteers that are capable of altering or tinkering with the Dedlok are not going to be given the offer.
  • All villain characters must take the following mandatory Disadvantages in addition to the 100 points they may take otherwise..
    • Monitored by the Directive 14 or less for 25 points.  Your bosses aren't so stupid as to think that fitting you with a dog collar will suddenly turn you into model citizens.
    • Reputation: Known Supervillian 11 or less for 15 points.  No, you don’t get a new uniform or code name.
    • Social limitation: Supervillian for 20 points.  You are a supervillian; you currently have no life outside of prison.  If you talk to someone they are automatically distrustful (and just try to get a hero to believe you about what you're doing outside of jail.) 20 points
  • None of the villains may take the Dependent NPC or Hunted Disadvantages.


The Lone Hero

Starting Points: 260
Maximum Disadvantages: 150
Maximum Active Points for Any One Power: 60 (See Below)
Maximum Points From One Category of Disadvantgage: 50
Special Restrictions:

  • It is advised that the player make use of all 150 points of disadvantages.
  • All player characters are required to take the Damocles Directive package.
  • Each character is allowed a single exception to the Active Point Cap of 60; for a single power, the character may take up to 90 active points.  Each power so taken must be unique to the individual character.  (For example, if someone takes 90 active points of Energy Blast, no other character is permitted to take 90 points of Energy Blast.)
  • Characters may take up to 75 points of Psychological Limitations, rather than the usual 50 point per category limit.
  • All player characters should avoid having psychological limitations that levy judgment on the value of human life. Trigger happy killers would never receive the offer from the Directive.
  • Ensure that the PC you build is not a clown, you are chosen for your skills not to amuse the Directive.
  • Your reasons for joining the team should be included in the background story. But understand that your hero will have his reputation tarnished by association with known supervillians. Who ever is chosen must show responsibility and good judgement, you will be given control as to how and when you discipline the other Characters through the Dedlok, up to the point of killing them, The Directive holds that power. This is a serious responsibility and not one I or any other player in this game will take lightly.
  • The Lone Hero is required to take Monitored by the Directive 14 or less for 25 points.  They want to make sure you are doing your job correctly... as well as make sure you have the stomach to do the hard thing if you are called upon to do it.
  • The Lone Hero must otherwise conform with standard Guardians PC guidelines.
The Global Guardians PBEM Universe is copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca Butler, and is their solely owned property.  The Global Guardians PBEM Universe, and all of the campaigns therein, are works of collaborative fiction.  All the characters and events portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously.  Except where otherwise specifically noted, the Global Guardians PBEM Universe, all Global Guardians characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights reserved under International Copyright Convention.  Submitting material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Global Guardians grants Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish, in perpetuity, within the confines of the Global Guardians Universe. The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways unconnected to the Global Guardians Universe.  This website was designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player characters which are the creations of their respective players, all material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  Champions and the Hero System are registered trademarks of and are copyrighted by Hero Games, Inc.  No challenge to any trademark or copyright is made or implied by this site.
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