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Davis Family Tree
by Lynda Archard
©: September 2007

Levy and Hannah (nee Clark) Davis

This page is for our Grandparents and their relatives.

A young Hannah Davis (I cleaned her up again and gave her feather a proper repair.

Thanks to Aunty Alice you can now see the original print before I repair the whole picture. I was told that the first picure on this page was repaired in the top left corner at a photography shop because the top left corner had been ripped off and I cleaned it after thinking it was the same as the original. While we visited Aunty Alice we found the original and realised everyone only has a part of the picture. It was quite emotional finding the full picture because I have spent so much time repairing the head and shoulders version that I feel like I know her really well. She is responsible for all the shortcuts and tricks I have learned in my photography repairs. Our trip to Dorset was a real Davis treasure hunt and we found lots of it!

This is the repaired version.

This is Hannahs sister Polly before and after repair.

Aunty Polly Bromfield - (Hannahs sister)

Pollys son on the left with a cigarette was known as Bobla (Probably Robert), Dinny Seargent (Millies boyfriend before she met and married Stan, Polly and Nobby (Alices husband.

With their Children:

Levy Davis with his youngest sons Charlie (Left). Georgie (right).

Levy & Hannah with Charlie. Alice also had the original pictures of the two above.

Levy with youngest sons Charlie (left) and Georgie (right).

Levy & Hannah with Charlie on a boat trip. My repair I did a few years ago got flipped but I don't know how, when or why no one noticed!

Levy outside Arrol House and with Keith.

© Lynda Archard