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Davis Family Tree
by Lynda Archard
©: September 2007


Welcome to Eileen's page

Eileen Davis (28th August 1928) married Fred Dennington. She said she was married for 5 months and decided she wasn't going to be anyones servant so she left. Eileen then got a flat in Camberwell and lived with Charlie and Leah until moving into a bedsit run by Graces Mum. Eileen became friends and then became Graces' Mums carer. After she died they moved into a flat and were flat-mates for 52 years sharing all costs 50/50. Most of us grew up calling Grace 'Aunty' and so Grace has always been like a member of the family. Eileen said they were always like sisters.


Eileen and Grace

Eileen gate crashing the 'cousins only' party - We were all very glad to see that one of the Davis clan can use some savvy. Very clever!



Eileen on a boat.

Eileen, Lorraine and Alice caravanning.

Eileen, Milly and Yvonne behind them

Georgie, Eileen and Charlie 30th August 2008

Eileen and Nephew David 30th August 2008

Eileen with Nephew David and Lesley (Davids wife) 30th August 2008

© Lynda Archard