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Welcome Welcome Welcome...this is my lame attempt at creating a web page, and posting some fan fiction on the web. Now this is the frist time I've done bear with me. There will be three people who stories will be displayed here..mine (sara, my friend Faith and our friend Brynn. Now all stories are original ideas, by that means if you take'll have to deal with the P*NC, and I can promise don't want that to happen. We in no way are connected to Nsync, and we do not know any of them...even though it would be nice if we did. Everything about our stories are ficitional..made up. *Caution: There are a few stories that will be posted that are not suited for the weak at if you can't take a "death by JC" then do not enter those stories. Well, just click on the guy you want to visit..and enjoy.

Right now, for the time being, I will be holding off on posting anything new. Actually there really isn't anything new to post, because the three of us have been either far to busy, haven't been able to get to a computer, or just haven't been able to write. When things start to calm down, and more ideas flow through our brains, then stories will once again be posted. Please don't be shy, leave a message in the dreambook I will still be checking there often, and I will be keeping you all updated on how things are going. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and a very happy New Year. Enjoy the ones that are up now though. More to come.... Sara

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