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Always come here first for the newest additions to the site. When our lazy asses get around to it, we move this stuff to it's according page elsewhere on the site.

Updates from: 5-8-01
YAY!! Another Humor Site update. You know if you want update reminders sent to your email everytime there's a link on the main page you can sign up to our yahoogroup and we will fill you in one when new humor is posted. I'll let the links and such speak for themselves. Peace! ~Kate
[Tommy Interview] NAJY wastes Tommy's flava with his funny comments.
[Ricky Interview] the last installment of NAJYs comments on the NA boyz.
[Danny Poem] a poem to the letters of Danny's name...
Eric and Ricky's are done too, just click on Danny's poem and the links will take you to the other 2 :)

Updates from: 5-1-01
Please read my important letter when you have the chance.

[No Authority CD Review] Kid Nicky was nice enough to share her thoughts on the self titled sophmore album.

[Keep On CD Review] Kid Nicky did this review too! SCORE!

Old updates:
[Danny Interview] NAJY commented on it, it's REALLY funny!

[The Real Josh Weiner] Parody about Josh to the "Real Slim Shady" by Eminem. Josh thinks it's funny, see if you do.

Take a peak inside NA's [suitcases].

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