Here is Donavin at 5 weeks old when he and his sibling (Loki, Percy and
Rosey, all now adopted) where still being fostered and on medication.[left]
Little Doni playing with one of his favorite toys!![right]
In both of the pictures above Doni is 4-5weeks old, isn't he a cute tiny baby?
Cute little Doni at about 4 weeks old.[left] Here is Tuli and Doni having an argument over
whos basket this is :) Tuli won in the end, we got her big basket out and
let Donivan have this little one!! Tuli is starting to love Doni more each
day, but she thinks he need to learn when "I don't want to play" means
"leave me alone right now" :)
Tuli is 4 years old and loves to play!! Tuli was also one of our foster cats, please
visit her page to find out about her.
Here is Doni and Cesi on the futon, Doni is 2 months old here, aren't they the cutest pair?[left]
This is Doni at 9 months fast asleep on the floor after playing with our foster kittens
Sima, Bunty and Mekayla.[right]
Here is Doni doing what he does best, Mewing and standing for food!! He is 9 months old, and well... a little "fatty" [left] John and Doni hugging!! Donavin loves to cuddle and kiss John and me all the time!
Here is my sweet 11 year old April with Donavin,
April lets Doni know hows the queen of the house! note: the spider plant on the fish bowl was
totaly eaten but April, Doni and Tuli :)
Donavin at 1 year meets Shamrock Sean [about 8 months in this picture]