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In Memory of Seppy

who was attacked and killed by a dog at 18 years of age

Born Sept 1982 --- died April 27 4am 2000
Seppy was attacked and killed by a dog.

This is my mother cat last year at christmas (1996)

Here is April and Seppy sleeping together, something my mother said was "imposible" in reality Seppy and April get along great!! Seppy is a main coon mix who has broncites , she is a wonderful cat!! She loves to "headbut" people for affection, visit her look-a-like Bunty one of our foster kittens looking for a home.

Here a two pictures of when Seppy came to visit, as you can see, Tuli, Seppy and April all have thier own places to sun. The large cage Sep is sitting on is Cesi's home. Seppy is almost 16 years old now, she is very loving, and is always happy to see us when we visit my parents. She loves to come a visit with us all when my parents are away. She and Tuli get along great, but April and her tend to ignore eachother like they always have. She is not as interested in Cesille, but does like to see her run around. Right now she is "battling" with my mothers foster kittens who think she is thier mommy.. :) Seppy hisses at them but later on, she is seen playing with them and lettling them bite her long tail..hhehehe. Seppy is the Queen of my mothers house.
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Images of: April |Tuli |Donavin |Cesille | Shamrock Sean |Ragu |Mirrah | In Memory of Cuddles

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