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Alternative Medicine

Because modern medicine has no cure for lupus, we can become desperate. Desperate people are more willing to part with their money in hope of a cure. Be wary of Multi-Level Marketers (see The Multilevel Mirage) who give you a tape of testimonials from people claiming to have been cured of everything from lupus to cancer to balding. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.

Criticism of Alt Medicine NCAHF Home Page Quackwatch
Placebo Effect The Placebo Effect Placebo as Suggestion

Should you decide to pursue alternative medicine, choose a method that you will be comfortable with for a long, long time. (Remember there is no cure for lupus.) A method that is powered by your own inner stength is more fulfilling than one that makes you dependent on a practicioner. In my personal opinion, it is safer to stick with those alternative methods that don't require you to ingest anything.

Meditation and guided imagery are free, empowering, and available to almost everyone. Guided imagery can help some people control pain. However, if you have central nervous involvement consult your doctor before trying these methods. Some hospitals have community health education programs which offer classes in meditation and relaxation techniques. Call your local hospital for information. Lucky is the person who has a close friend or relative who does massage. If you pay for massage, make sure your practitioner is certified.

Some women meet to practice meditation and do relaxation excercises together. These mutual-help meetings are free. To avoid conflict of interest and commercialism, no health products are sold between group members.

This web page is educational only and should not be construed as medical or legal advice. If you have lupus, make sure you get regular checkups from a medical doctor.

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