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Coping with Lupus

There is some evidence to suggest that how well we cope with the disease determines the severity of the illness. There are different ways to help yourself cope. If you go to church or synagogue occasionally, now might be the time to deepen your faith. If you define yourself as alternative, then try meditation. Pick something that fits your lifestyle.

Religion Family Matters:Spirituality can Foster Physical and Emotional Health
Pychotherapy Breast Cancer: How Your Mind Can Help Your Body
Attitude & Lifestyle Living Well

Living with others
Maintaining a positive attitude

Lupus Support Groups

How to Start a Lupus Support Group

To find out if there is a lupus support group in your area, see How to Reach a Chapter Near You. If there is no support group in you area, then you can start your own. See the following links for advice on how to do it.

On-line Lupus Forums

If you don't have the time/energy to start your own lupus support group, on-line lupus forums are a good alternative. A disadvantage of forums is that a lot of the posts (messages) are on topics that have nothing to do with lupus, but the members are usually very supportive of each other. Read the rules for the forum before you jump in. Lupus forums can be found at the large lupus sites listed below.

Lupus Links
Large lupus sites Lupus Foundation of America Lupus Home Page MCLFA
Other lupus sites On the Road: Stories of Lupus Our Circle of Friends Homepage Lupus & Scleraderma

This web page is educational only and should not be construed as medical or legal advice. If you have lupus, make sure you get regular checkups from a medical doctor.

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