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Buffy Board Quotes

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"I'm going to close my eyes and hum a Beatles tune until the pseudo music goes away." -sarah

"Slow down there, buddy, I think the train left without you....." -Danielle

"Is insanity a communicable disease?" -Scott

"The suction between those two could have sucked up a small town in Nebraska!" -Heather

"My mind is like a steel trap... that's been sitting in salt water for a while." -Scott

Ashli: "I have always gone with the deep breathing approach to exams."
Nick: "I usually use the praying to a higher power approach."

"I have to keep the halo from appearing over my head. It would bang into the horns." -Scott

“Can anyone help me with the duh that is my name?” -Eva

"Never have so many words taken up so much space and said so little." -Mike

(This paranoid statement was brought to you by Mr. Ed.) " -Adam

"Heehee. i made my pants break-away. That way, I can just shriek, "Woo hoo!" and rip 'em off. It's very entertaining." -Randie

"I also 'member when me n Nichole used to go to foreign chat rooms and start yelling about how the hamsters are gonna rule the world or something." -Erin

Natalie: "There really are stupid questions out there."
Danielle: "Like what?
(PAY ATTENTION: That was a stupid question)"
James: "How about:  "Now what were we supposed to do with the grenade after we pulled the pin out?""

"Woo Jossin' Hoo." -Little Willow

"There is always something to complain about if you look hard enough." -James

"The dancing ads were much better than those singing ones. Who the heck would wear those vests anyway? I know I'm not always up with the latest fashion trends, but how did I miss Road Crew Chic?" -Alia, commenting on the Gap ads

Ashli: "Any things else you guys?"
Eva: "My sanity and a long-term memory please Ash...? Can I make it a double?"

Ashli: "Anybody up for a Hanni-cruise? >"
Scott: "Two things go through my mind: "a three hour tour" and "my heart will go on.""
Arianna: "God, to be stuck with Gilligan would be torture in itself but to sink with you people?"

"Oh, well, that's my 2cents for the day (and no refunds!)." -Randy

Randy: "That's EDITED?  =)
Wow, that's longer than most messages I send."
James: "'ve taken final exams shorter than that!  You wouldn't be related to John Hancock by any chance, would you? :P" (on Danielle's EDITED sig, which is probably almost as long as the Dru thread )

Dan: "Well, earlier today, I had to attend a "job club" which is supposed to help you learn to find better jobs. Well, As usual, I felt I had to make a smart-ass comment.
The counselor was asking us if we did our 'homework'. She said, "Did you all complete your Procrastination Worksheet? To which I answered, "I waited till the last minute to do mine.""
Shab: "Lol, what did the "teacher" say when you said that?"
Dan: "Ah. She said, "Very funny, Mr. Payne". I said, "Personally, I thought it was." She said, Is there a problem?" I replied, "Yes. I'm being facetious. Because I don't like you.""

"Way to go Karyn! Break a leg (and it doesn't necessarily need to be yours : )" -Elizabeth

"way to go on the callbacks!!!!! Break everything all over again at your next audition!!!!" -Jill

Hap: "(Send me some onions!!!)"
sarah: "i'd gladly send you some onions (they are quite tasty aren't they?) i tried to do it just now but my modem gave me some message that it won't send solid food, some sort of union thing i think. damb macs. if you really want some i could do it the old fashioned way if you are willing to give a freak like me a real world address. "

"And this is a classic case of someone od'ing on Flinstones Chewables. :-)" -Hap

"Sorry about the confusion, I guess my brain isn't entirely Y2K compliant yet" -James

"I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it." -Randy

"But you have a point with the lifting thing. It's because men invented the barbell. If a woman had done it they would have been fillable with whatever food was necessary for a workout. Men choose sand, women would choose chocolate. Men choose water, women would choose a nice mocha or perhaps a hot chocolate. Get my drift here?" -Fluf

"I never associate guilt with chocolate. There are many other things in my life I have to feel guilty over. Chocolate, fortunately, is not one of them." -Fluf

"Can somebody sneeze on me?" -Kenz

"What would the press say when it was found out that the Treasurer of the Hanniganites, an organization known to be the primary supporters of the Willow and Oz 2000 Campaign, was found dead at her computer of a mysterious Skittle overdose with the screen filled with a proposal for the Rosenberg Administration Cabinet postings?  Would they blame it on the Williow and Angle Campaigners, or would they suspect an internal source?  Could it be that Joyce Summers was distraught at being left off the list, lo, even failing to gain a mention as a possible candidate?  Or was it Harmony seeking revenge after the Ramblings for Graduation II?  Or was it...." -James

"I don't get even, I get odder." -Randy

"Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly and for the same reason." -Randy

Clement: "So u guys r tring to make fun of me,eh?
it's a nice day eh.
this is pretty"
Randy: "By Jove I think he's got it!!  Today's watchword:  Sarcasm."

"A bit of cards aren't bad...just NEVER USE THEM!" -Randy

"Eats like a bear, which is why I'm starting to look like one..." -James

"Okay, um, Jill? Let's get married. =)" -Karyn, on Jill's use of a Romy and Michele quote in her sig

"Good Luck Jana. You'll be fine. Oh, and when you see the sylabus, just tink of how many tree's they'er killing." -Sara, on Jana's first day of college

"And there was much cqtm" -Al

James: "How would I like to meet her? Preferably someplace where I would feel comfortable enough to where I could speak coherent English. Granted, I can convey a lot in various forms of gibberish and stammering, but to my knowledge it hardly impresses the ladies..."
Randy: "Yeah, and drooling and going "uh" a lot doesn't help either." (on meeting Alyson)

Quote from Elena's sig: "I make my own fun"
Danielle: "Elena the more you post the more this quote become relevant : )"

"What's a "hormonal thread" ? ;-)" -Hap

Alia: "I joined the mailing list...please someone tell me why I did this :-)"
Hap: "cuz you had a HUGE bottle of tequila before deciding?"
Alia: "No really that wasn't was only half a bottle of wine I swear :-)"
Hap: "But you didn't mention that it was a 2 liter bottle...."

Jamie: "Is anyone getting my messages..... And what is the preferred format here?"
Alia: "Yes. Typed."
Jamie: "Darn and here I was hoping for some nice calligraphy covered vellum. Delivered by pigeon maybe."
Alia: "It seems that all the pigeons are busy today..."

"Nah, I think Pandora dropped her box and someone got curious." -Randy

"Yeah, English is my first language.  Right.  I sound like my 3 year old." -Randy

"OK, so Curious George was always a hero of mine.  He always had so much fun, and the man in the yellow hat always loved him no matter what.  It made me want to be a chimpanze when I grew up.....
"I'm gonna be a monkey, a monkey monkey monkey!"" -James

"Yep, for once in my life, the earth was moving in my bedroom. But I realized something, I've got to buy new jammies; I so don't want to die wearing an awful, blue, moo-moo like T-shirt." -Elizabeth, on the last earthquake

"And now the 1999 award for the most insane/stupid driver in SC. ::cracks open the envelope:: And the winner is..the girl who was driving down the interstate at 100 mph at night, with the interior light on while reading the novel she had propped on the steering wheel. Try books on tape sweetie then you won't keep running off the road." -Alia

"So, I'm now a mommy of five. I haven't slept in two days...
Any suggestions on what I should do? They won't let me sleep! It's like having a baby, but five of them, who can't see, and like to fall off of things... Damn evil cats... (but they're so cute... damn cute evil cats)" -Cynthia Eve Moon on her new kittens

"Well, I do the starving college student thing 365 days a year, so maybe I'll do something different and be a "happy, starving college student"?" -Elizabeth, on what she's gonna be for Halloween

"Be good in college.
And remember, if anyone ever asks you to pose nude on a Harley, it's NOT for Good Housekeeping, no matter what they say." -Karyn

Dan: "Nicky - Cute and hilarious. really should think more highly of yerself. Talk to you soon, doll."
Nichole: "Liar...and no I shouldn't. I like my self-esteem right where it is, below zero."

Fluf: "Okay, this is the deal. There is now a nude section for Fluf's Kitchen. Smoking is prohibited there (for obvious reasons, like burns in bad places. Besides, what would you carry the smokes in?)
Then there is the partially clad section. For those who want to display certain parts of your anatomy.
For all the other patrons, the rest of the restaurant is still non-smoking and proper attire is necessary. "
Natalie: "Wow. All I wanted was to go without shoes.."

"You know what's funny? Harmony is Mercedes McNab and Darla is Julie Benz. If they hooked up...they'd be Mercedes Benz! Ok..I'll leave now." -Hap

Natalie: "Spike! I'm in love with him. I now officially declare myself a Spike/Natalie shipper. I'll deal with the vampire thing. The violence? As long as it's not against me, fine. And hey, even when I'm old, he can be my boy toy! See, we're perfect for each other!
James: You can have Spkie if I can have Anya, 'k?
Natalie: "COOL! I like that arrangement! Here, Spikey..."
James: "Anya, honey... If Xander doesn't want you (and he doesn't *wink*), I'll take you... I'll even listen to your "horrible guy" stories."

"I never said I was bright..." -Natalie

"Danny is SUCH a sweetheart. You picked a great guy to be a supporter of. He really appreciates all of his fans and is so Jossin' modest. You should have seen the look on his face when I got him a copy of the recent BtVS magazine issue #5 with his interview in it. I was singing, "Look! You're in PRINT!" =)" -Little Willow on Danny Strong

"Some of these actually look familiar, as if onelist has sent them again. So now we're getting re-runs interspersed amongst the current messages. I know that they've said that the web and tv would soon blend together, but I wasn't imagining reruns on email!" -James on the horrors of Onelist

"OMG, Ok I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is correct. In the new Buffy book Sins of the Father Christopher Golden gives a shout out to Little Willow. Would that be our Little Willow or someone else?" -Abby

"I didn't know about that in advance... Through that email to the list and another email from a Bronzer, I found out that he shouts to me (Little Willow) and Labrynth in the acknowledgements. Does the man not ROCK? Go read his books. *G*" -Little Willow

"Re: vamp reflection: Poor Harmony can't be mirror-narcisstic now..." -Little Willow

Randy: "(fixating on both Willows AND Anya who is quickly becoming my new favorite [sorry Aly], especially after seeing her in the bunny costume. Am I sick if I found that sexy??)"
James: "You can fixate on Anya only if you remember that I was fixating on her first (ask Natalie!). And no, it isn't sick to think she was sexy in the bunny costume, 'cause then that would mean I'm sick too..."

"It sounds OK considering the only other option at the moment would be onelist here, and the way things are going the posts wouldn't show up until the third anniversary..." -James on Hanniversary options

"Maybe it will be Doppelganglandesque (wow, look at that word!)" -James

"See, I'm kind of like a car with no brakes kind of weaving in and out of the episode at different parts...nothing's really in any order" -Randy

(On Veruca)
Natalie: "And what was her deal? "Ooh, I want Oz. Let me go kill his girlfriend so he can know I did it. *That'll* make him want me!" (slap!) (mumbles something about the stupid little Fiona Apple wannabe) I'm so glad Oz ripped her throat out, and I usually don't wish characters dead. But this girl..."
James: "It works for some people. Of course, they're the ones on Jerry Springer..."

Natalie: "(And as for next week, I see Spike go for Willow and my one thought: "Hasn't she been through enough?!")"
James: "Twice in one season, no less. At least she'll have matching fang mark scars on both sides of her neck..."

""I think someone needs a hug." I was laughing SO Hard! And then Cordelia's just going, "ew, ew..." No, Cordelia, we don't say "ew." We say, "Bring it on, baby."" -Natalie

"You wouldn't trust me in the same room with the person who plays Veruca. She made a big mistake by taking that role because no matter who she is I hate her! Wow, That was mean....." -Danielle

Hap: "Maybe 'cuz yer mind is in the gutter? ;-) "
Danielle: "Oh come on, who could read that statment (from Hap mind you) and not think gutterish."

Cyn: "And Spike and Buffy just look cute together..."
Arianna: "I will admit that yes they do look cute together but it's just too much blond overload for me. Sorry, Cyn :)"

"I have appointed myself spokesperson of all things spleen.
My dad is watching the surgery channel or something and a guy has a shattered spleen.
These posts are really just for Nick's enjoyment, someone make sure he reads this." -Danielle

"Veruca the werebimbo: Ok I have to not like her because she hurts my Willow, but PLEASE someone tell me what band that was!!!! Love the song! It's not on the Soundtrack is it? Does anyone else so NOT want to deal with the Seether in were form? Maybe the oompa loompas will get her. " -Alia

"::sig thinks Cyn needs to find a different medication, cause this one isn't working::" -Cyn

President of the Everybody in Vests Campaign"

John: "Do ya'll think SMG's drapes match her carpet? :0)"
Hacker2093: "actually she said in an interview that she has hard wood floors in her house. yes, i'm kidding. i'm not that stupid."

"Why, John, I didn't realize you were so "Martha Stewart". ::heavy sarcasm:: (secretly looking forward to seeing what some people have to say)" -Fluf, to John's above question

Danielle: "Maybe he was tricking you.
Or maybe he was corrupted by an evil mastermind.
Or maybe he IS an evil mastermind."
Hap: "Or maybe Danielle has too much time on her hands. :-)"

"I know the truth lies in between the 1st and the 40th drink" -from Alia's non-sig

Kim: "anyone have a head they volunteer for me to rip off?"
Danielle: "Veruca's"

"Wait a minute, i'm a one in a million chick, which means there's about 6,000 other me's out there.... You wouldn't happen to be one of them would you? " -Cyn

Natalie: "Yes, Laurie, I was a GoodGirl. I have *NO* idea what happened to me... Oh well, I like this me better!"
Aria: "I once was a good girl & it went away, but Nat it's much more fun on the bad side."

"I feel proud that I can now sing along with Bif Naked." -Danielle

Danielle: "Tomorrow. Tuesday. October 19th. Spike. Soundtrack. Buffy. Angel. Crossover. Spike. Soundtrack. Dani losing her mind. Spike. James Marsters. Spike. Spike. Spike. Soundtrack. Spike."
Elena: "I think Danielle summed it up for all of us."

"Who else is singing the music of pain right now?" -Natalie, on the Angel ep title "I Fall to Pieces"

"By NatalieLaw, I can't like any episode that is unshippery toward one of my shipper couples." -Natalie

"Know you were all waiting for me to mention...... The poster hanging on the back of Buff's and Will's door. CHOCOLATE!!!!! Love the poster. Love a show that has that poster. Love the set designer who put the poster on the door for all to see. (get my point here). Anyway, just thought I'd mention "the poster"." -Fluf

"I have my acting class play to look forward to now. Mr. Crem hasn't decided exactly what play we're going to do yet, but it will be Moliere (french comedy!) I figure I can either be someone really stupid, or a whore. I'm usually typecast like that! LoL. I'm sure the tongue ring that I'll have by then will go over real well too. That's it, I'm the whore!" -Nichole

Adam: "So I get smacked for being a good guy."
Princess: "::smacking adam over the head:: We smack ya cause we luv ya, silly!!!"

"You like the eyeliner guys too??? Otay, it's official. Randie, hon, you're the lady I have to party with!" -Princess

"Christman? Is that a new superhero?
"There! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! NO! It's CHRISTMAN! Watch him turn water to wine in a single bound, watch him walk on water! Walk him heal the lepers! You will marvel at his feats of bravery, saving the world along with the 12 Masked Apostles! It's Christman! And he's coming to YOUR town!"" -Dan, on Mel's misspelling of "Christmas"

"So I just ask that you respect that, and don't rain on my parade, burst my balloon or cumble my cookie." -Natalie

Scott: "Unfortunately, they screwed up Spike's age. In "School Hard" he's just over 200. Now he's 126. < sigh >"
Zeing: "Well atleast we know Joss wasn't lying when he said he wasn't good at math."
Alia: "Maybe he was fibbing about his age. You know like the women who are 40 for about 15 years? :-)"

"Ya think I topped the absurdity quotient here?" -Jenny (and btw, Jenny, yes you did! *g*)

"Roz, how do these things occur to you? I have got to say you are one very twisted man. Which is why I admire you!" -Nichole

Natalie: "Since they're both feeling a little unneeded... "
Laurie: "Xander is needed right here. Now. Lots. Heaps in fact."

"Nat, when i find a Riley R Us, ill tell you, cause man i want one too." -Laurie

"I like, and as much as im a xander/buffy shipper, im definately a riley/buffy one too. oh hell, just make it a threesome already. ooh did i say that? =x" -Laurie

Natalie: "I want a Riley. Someone get me a Riley."
Danielle: "He's in the mail"

Natalie: "And what does teutonic mean?"
Danielle: "I was wondering the same thing, Hello AOL online dictionary, nice to meet you ::clears throat::
Teutonic is relating to a teuton which I guess is a German person.
That somehow strikes me as wrong....."

Natalie: ""I'm a lab rat." Scott, are you seeing this?"
Scott: "I saw it. I'm thinking of hiring Wolfram and Hart."

"But now we have the mystery of where 80-odd years of his unlife went, because in School Hard Giles read that Spike was just over 200. Call Robert Stack. " -Scott

"Ok in the ep 'Angel' Buffy and Angel were talking and he says 'Im just an animal right?' and then she replies 'Ur not an animal...animals I like' and in 'The Harsh Light of Day' she calls Spike a pig...and a pigs an animal right? yep so that means she likes Spike...ha I knew it!" -Stephanie

"(Sig is complaining to the owner of the sanity test because it said Stephanie wasn't insane yet but sig thinks the test is screwy...)" -Stephanie

"waiting for Natalie, ahem, the *real* Cordy, to fix that quote because I know I got parts of it wrong." -James

"A new catch phrase?   Instead of "I want my M-TV!" we now have "I like my Hanni-world!" James

"Just goes to show, penguins drinking and driving is bad. (Along with drinking and driving itself, but the penguins don't even have a license...) And Eva should never be left alone with a penguin's drink." -Natalie

Natalie: "Well, okay, yes, my mind has permanetly moved itself into the gutter. But still!"
Randy: "And why does everyone act like it's a BAD thing?? HMmm???
Come on in...the waters fine!"
James: "Until Jonathan pees in it, that is!"

James: "Did anyone else like the way Xander's mom referred to Giles as Xander's little friend"?  Like he was back in grade school and they were having a sleep over or something."
Natalie: "I wonder if Giles has a tweed teddy...?"

"And, um, third, uh, OK as Designated Driver Guy I hope everyone makes it home safe from the party. In other words, don't ride with the penguins..." -James

Beth: "Well, I almost know what I got my self into, I'm sure I'll know fully soon enough. Do you guys know how confusing the webpages that I was 'advised' to look at are. I give the prize to Frog City though - is the author of that page Clinically insane? - I did love the page tho'"
James: "There is method to our madness. Don't ask us what it is, though, because that's part of the madness"

"Although Eva did a lot of the work, and deserves the props for it, there were, and are, a number of people that have helped her out in various ways. These proud, demented souls can be seen in the Construction Headquaters of Frog City. It was a family effort, which is why the site is so kickass, even according to outsiders who stumble upon it with no clue or warning of what Frog City is. Keep up the good work Eva!
Can I say kickass?"

"I enjoy Gap ads (ice, ice baby). I detest Old Navy ads (it's a book!)." -Danielle

"I'm going to miss Doyle in uncontrolably unhealthy ways." -Danielle

Natalie: "A few people did that. I know Fluf did, cuz I was talking to her in an IM at the time... She just wanted to get to the chocolate. Or maybe the cholocate."
James: "I'd hate to see what happens once she does get ahold of some of your cholocate."

James: "MST3K robots: Natalie broke Yahoo! Natalie broke Yahoo!...."
Natalie: "Will they never stop taunting me!?"
Natalie: "< Natalie covers ears and begins humming the Farscape theme loudly >"

"That horrible song by Jessica Simpson makes me wanna cut my ears off just so I never have to hear it again...." -Elena

"And yes dan, boob girl was feeling left out, but now she's feels "supported" (come on, i HAD to) by everybody. Pun intended, hehe" -Meri

"Wow! He likes Aly!
We desperately need a Hanniganite who actually LIKES Aly! Wow! How UNIQUE!!!!!
Most Hanniganites hate and loathe Aly with every fiber of their beings. Most wish death upon her. When I hear about Hannis getting together, I frequently fear for her well-being, because the Hanniganites are evil, Aly-hating demonspawn.
Ok. I'm done being facetious now." -Dan

"I thought Doyel was still alive on the Angle television show, which airs on the BW network (which I can't get because I don't have cabel) but I have a firned who usually taeps it and when I see the eps I eat cholocate and I..." -Al

Natalie: "I have to wonder. What would happen if the guy didn't answer the door? Would they just shrug and move onto the next dorm? I wonder the same thing about movies like Scream. If Drew Barrymore hadn't picked up the phone the third time, then what?"
Randy: "If they're anything like Jehova's Witnesses, they would have kept knocking until
a) they guy gets tired and finally opens the door
b) the door falls down from the repeated knocking."

"Willow should be herself.  Weather that means stright,  gay or Bi is irrelivent.  My only upset is that she isn't dating a bohemien 30 somthing called Nez." -Nez

"Simple: Joss is TOO DAMNED SMART!
If he were an architect, could you IMAGINE what he could build for the government?!?!?
I suspect he never grew-up. This is stuff kids can dream of [and have the time to].
I say we send him a package of Tootsie Pops for his success.
... I'm keeping the chocolate ones." -Shelli

"Joss: if you're reading all this: don't mess with our heads and make Willow lesbian/bisexual! We all ready in love with her as-is! ... you goober." -Shelli

"I can officially confirm that Weetabix (correct spelling) is indeed a British cereal....a cereal that could be considered as the corner-stone of our society...a cereal that has inspired a whole generation.
Never mess with another persons Weetabix." -Joe

" was actually Neil who corrected my error regarding Weetabix, not James.....see, I'm right.....this perpetual hangover I'm nursing makes it impossible for me to contribute to anything correctly.....anybody out there see a moral in this story??" -Joe

""When you're having a hard day and everyone is pissing you off.  Just remember that it takes 42 muscles to frown, but only 4 to extend your middle finger and flip them off."" -from Randy's .sig

"He and Anya are rather bunnies aren't they?" -Alia

"Anya: He's using her and she's the one who wants to (insert explicit hand gesture here) all the time. " -Alia

"SO....this is a total ramble. which i rarely hold on to your trousers..or pants, skirt, coolats, whateva! " -Jill

"My puter is now on its way to where ever the heck they go when they die." -Dusty

"Ouch. I'm gonna burn in hell. I can feel it." -Dan

Aria: "Hell doesn't want me, they're afraid I'll take over < veg >"
Natalie: "Well, since I'm on my way there, can you imagine the chaos we could cause separately, let alone together?"
Aria: "Nat, I'm thinking people would suddenly be lining up to get into hell cause it would be an eternal party!!"
Elaina: "I'm already AT the Grandma condemned me after the first time i set the house on fire...the first three times it was an accident I SWEAR!! ;)"

Natalie: "Hey, if there's one thing hell's good for, it's sauna action!"
Tara: "i heard the fires are good for barbecues. i'll can invite you guys down for hamburgers and hotdogs"
Natalie: "NOOOOOOO!!!! Not hot dogs! Cannibalism! Cannibalism, I say!!!"

"I'm thinking no cause as far as what you're talking about, I haven't got a clue & can't find a store to buy one ;)" -Aria

"Hey...ummm...just to let you know...I will be accepting certain sweaty fatigues...
::hears ewww's from the audience::" -Eva

"Hi, Sarah. I'm Nick, and I'm a Hannigaholic. Actually, no I'm not. There is no such thing. I just like making up words... Anyway, I'm the President around these parts. So if you have any problems, just tell me and I might eventually get around to do something about it. Just beware the ferrets." -Nick

Sarah: "Most boards are full of people who are just looking for a fight or an arguement. It's nice to see there are a few out there that manage to get along :o)"
Nick: "Hey, what do you mean by that? Are you insulting us? Why I oughta..."

"Anyway, welcome to the Hanni-boards! Grab a chair, make yourself comfortable, but just don't get mud on the new carpet." -Krystal

"<< familiar yet annoying little song running thru my head..... >>"we are family...I got all my Hannis with me..." LOL I'm such a cheeseball!" -Elena

Eva: "I'm Eva, and I don't make sense most of the time..."
Shab: "And the rest of us do? ;)"

"Oh, btw, Sarah, I forgot to give you the most important advice of out for Hap." -Shab

":: dialing 1-800-mental-case ::" -Hap

"Well then here's a mini one just for you Dan...ok, both my parents are sick. I've been taking care of them, and doing everything around the house. I came downstairs yesterday, and was like, "Listen, a bunch of people are going over Carrie's house, and I really wanna go. I cleaned my room, the bathroom, swept the kitchen floor, washed the counter, vaccumed in the basement, and there are soup and crackers waiting for you in the-wait minute! What the hell are you watching?" Both my parents were sitting there glued to the tv, watching Dawson's Creek." -Kenz

"speaking of dictionaries... I was looking through one of those pocket dictionaries and I looked up the word assassination... and it said "act commited by an assassin".... so I looked up the word assassin and it said... one who commits an assassin.... well what the hell is it? I mean an assassin commits an assassination... but how do we know what an assassin is if we don't know what an assassination is.... and visa versa.... sigh..... the world we live in....." -Kelly

"Viva la Gervais!" -Nick

Koren: "The amazing thing though, is that while there was true craziness going on, and speculation galore (and keep in mind, this was before the Hamsters, or the Kingdom,and *way* before the Raids) which was causing some of the most *out there* plots to be formed, there was real, intelligent conversation. And not just about the show. About anything, and everything."
Nick: "I still maintain that it was Joyce with Angel in the Directors Cut of "Surprise"."

Shab: "::idly wondering the penalty for strangling our Hanni President::
(sig hiding from Hanni Secret Service)"
Nick: "YOu don't want to mess with my ferret bodyguards. And the punishment is being driven around by the penguin chauffeurs after they've had some nog."

"My ankle's doing fine. It's still a little sore, but I can run, jump, and frolic again.
Nothing wrong with a little frolic every now and then" -Nick

"Now y'all see what I've been saying. Basically: the human race sucks, and they suck harder when placed in a mall." -Natalie

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