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Buffy Board Quotes

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"The WB pulls eps they don't like just for ratings, FOX pulls damn good sites...I'm gonna have an Aascension of my own. I'll be a lot like that one Anya saw in Grad1, only I'll be Ho-Hash the four-winged stupid-executives-killer. Nno, TV does not make me violent and I'll kill you if ya say otherwise" -Adam

"I'll attempt to go, but I might shut my computer off on December 30 like the good people at MIT said to do. Of course watching my computer blow up might enjoyable, and then of course I'd have to get a new one......" -Danielle

"Shab... Shab... Name looks familiar... Oh, yes, the girl who remembers when Dino could speak. I remember you now. Don't you also like an actor? A Daniel Borealis or something? My memory is very sketchy. :)" -Nick

"HI SHAB!!!!!!!! i totally missed ya!! :) i wanna hear all about your trip...when u feel up to it..or your fingers do... :)))))" -Jill

"Been watching more eps, sorry for cavemen typing, heavily jet lagged and trying to get over it...speaking of cavemen, have seen most of the eps missed by now and do not like beer ep at all, very bizarre. Also HATE the whole Parker storyline w/a vengeance - was Joss on delusioning tranquilizers when he came up w/that idea? Riley nice, Parker badevilsadisticstupidmoronica$$, Kate strange but growing on me though the whole sensitive ep was weird but kind of funny I guess." -Shab

"Oh, and speaking of Joss, new bandwagon: PUJTTHATWAHETP - Pull Out Joss's Toenails Till He Agrees to Write a Happy Ending to Pangs (been in shock ever since seeing that ep! poor B/A)!!!" -Shab

"Welcome to the grind. Please keep your seat in an upright position and have your barf bags handy. After about one week of getting up early, you will need it. After two weeks, you'll want to put it over your head. After that, you can use them as shoes when you run out the door and forget to put yours on.
Seriously, its great news. Just watch out for those lawyers! They are a wild bunch." -Fluf

Jill: "He is kinda @$$hole-ish in person though..i gotta say!!"
Nick: "What does it mean when someone it atdollardollarhole-ish? My mind just doesn't comprehend it. :)"
Jess: "maybe he's cheap."

Jill: "Nick~~ SO funny!! :)))"
Nick: "Funny in what way? In terms of my jokes, my smell, or my looks? No matter what, I've been called worse. Usually by my family."

"I have to do this, C'mere Spike :::Aria pushes the collar of her black shirt aside::::Bite me >:)" -Aria

Zeing: "My non-Mac didn't blow up, so :P to you Mac people. Oh, and Happy New Year! :)"
Cyn: "but there's still the chance of it coming to life in the middle of the night and eating you."

"::sticks head out from under the pile of books, tapes, CDs and stuff that she hasn't unpacked from college yet (yes, I *know* I only have one more week before I pack it all up again!)::" -Koren

"Yeah Nat!!!! I'm so happy for you. Things for me are also going well. School is great. Plans to be broadcasting at the 2002 olympics are in mode and I've got Ideas for my first movie. As I watch those Broadcasting in Time Square I can't wait til I start my career.
I want to be next to Carson!!!!" -Sara


"I wish you all that you would wish yourselves ( with the exception of Willow my own selfish dream that nothing could induce me to share)." -Nez

"I've always said "What's a party without kazoos?" Actually, that was the first time I've ever said that, but that's hardly the point here now is it?" -Nick

Aly: "Why does the little message say there are no members online currently?"
James: "Well, you know how vampires cast no reflections, and also can't have their minds read? Well, it has nothing to do with why it says no one is online currently. Go figure."

"Yes, cholocate chip! It's an ancient family recipe. Or it will be like 60 years from now, since I just made it up. And even then it wouldn't be ancient. But you know what I mean." -Natalie

"happy new year hannis!!!...and yep the world didnt end...i thougt it did then i realized i had a hangover so i went back to sleep..." -Sandy

"Happy new year to you
happy new year to you
this isn't really a real song but anyway,
happy new year to you! "- Jill

"Happy New Year to my VERY special Hanni Family! May 2000 bring you guys everything you want! (Within legal parameters!) ;-) "- Hap

"Is that enough? Okay, here goes: I saw John kissing Chiana (and as much as I hate typing this, there was even some tongue from Chiana!!!!!!!!!!!)
::sig getting me sandpaper for my fingers since I had to type that last part::" -Shab

"Of course, they ALL know my obsession with NSYNC! (And they all know that me and Lance Bass are getting married...... as soon as he finds out who I am! Right, Hanniganites???? ...just nod your heads and smile :-D ) " -Courtney

"Hi, My name is Danielle and I'll be your waitress this evening. Our special tonight is David Boreanaz and with a side order of Seth Green and Nicholas Brendon." -Danielle

"Hey Kim!!!! Welcome to our board!!!!!! Glad to have you here!!! I'm using way to many exclamation points!!!!! LOL!!!! I can't seem to stop myself!!!!!!! Whoa...sorry about that. I'm ok...for now. " -Elena

"I've read the quotes page at one of the Hanni websites and I have to admit, the idea of a bandwaggon really appeals to me. What do you think? Are there forms to fill out? Do I have to contact my local congressman?" -Kimber

"First day of the new year and already a cannibalism reference. < sigh >" -Scott

"Some people may have disliked her character in the movie because it strays from the "pure, innocent" Willow that we all know and love on Buffy, but I loved it.  It's like the Evil Willow character from DGL.  She has more than one side, and one of them is a dominating, geeky, nympho!" -Randy, on American Pie

"You know, every time I hear/see the word "toodles" (and Cher singing "Believe") I think of the Buffy's evil demon roommate.  I'm not saying people who say/write "toodles" are evil, I'm saying it's one of those association kind of things." -Al

"I assume it hasn't gone unnoticed that the Brits seem to be taking over the list!!  I'd watch it people....we used to do this with other countries......" -Joe

"I think the reason everyone is quite is that we all ran out of things to say on Weetabix a while back and no-one started a new conversation! Cereal can only go so far." -Beth

"Well, That's me.  I'm a popular, wait poplar, nut.  And the description is fairly accurate." -Danielle

"And one more thing, yesterday after Riley and his friends (who are very hot) went out to look for Spike and they were standing there in the tank tops (well, Riley in a tshirt) and they were all sweaty and of course I was majorly drooling my sister goes "Eww, they're all sweaty" I wanted to laugh and tell her she was beyond stupid but instead I just kept staring at the TV." -Danielle

"My birthday falls under the Weeping Willow.  GOTTA love that. :)" -Little Willow, responding to a forward

"It was a tough decision but I'm thinking I sided with Buffy during this conversation, Riley was rather scary. He's telling her "I don't want to scare you" as you comes closer to her and since he's like 9 feet taller than her he just towers over  her saying "I'm not going to let you go!!!!" No Riley, that's not threatening in anyway whatsoever!" -Danielle

"Now, the end was good but if every episode ends with Buffy not being able to fight the demon and Riley come to save her, I might barf.  Especially if he ever saves her with a shoelace again.  Now lets put this in perspective, you with me?  Let say Buffy ways 100 lbs (she's tiny) and the demon ways 200 lbs (it was a big demon).  That's 300 pounds.  Now, from what we saw they fell pretty darn far.   Well don't you worry, because Riley's got a string in his pocket and he can pull all 300 up about a mile.  Wow........" -Danielle

Danielle: "SMG's is April 14th, Nick Brendon's is April 12th
God, I shouldn't know that"
Natalie: "Show of hands. How many people shouldn't have known that but knew it anyway? < raises hand >"
James: "The real question here is how many people marked it on their calendars just so they wouldn't forget? Bonus points if the calendar was in your dayplanner...
no comment"
Danielle: "::hanging head in shame::
But who threw them a birthday party?"

"I'mm still having trouble with the fact that he's almost twice her height.  When the girl has to climb a ladder to kiss you, there's a problem." -James about Riley

"ps. I'm planning on drinking till I collapse at my mates party on saturday - anyone reckon I'll get sacrificed?" -Beth

"Aww Nick the only reason I even busted ya was because you never make them. I, on the other hand, can't spell worth a damb, so I blame it on typos ;) Sometimes even the spell check doesn't work, especially if they give me more then one close choice. Like, how am I to know which one, if I couldn't spell it right in the first place?" -Kris

"I don't make typos? How do you think the NICKtionary started?" -Nick

"Anyway, here's my "'n stuff" (not to be confused with N'SYNC) on the topic:" -Karyn

"hoping it's just a "rumbly in my tumbly" and not a tremor in the Force that he's feeling about now" -James

"Nice to see you Karyn! Knew you couldn't resist the sub text :-) Ok maybe not so sub for a change." -Alia

"Mind? I have a mind? Since when? I can be so absentminded sometimes..." -Nick

"Oh, yes, with crutch support, I can once again walk. It hurts, but I can do it. And that makes me happy enough to dance in pain." -Nick

"Well, I must still be on Angle's good side." -Sara

"Yeah, if subtext is like Tiny Yellow Type™, then this is Big Black Billboard Type." -Nick

Karyn: "And then there are those of us who firmly believe that "Haha" is, in fact, your real last name and this entire thing is a clever ploy to keep all the screaming Nick fans at bay."
Nick: "Just watch for the VW Bus."

"I think we need to find a Dennis factory." -Danielle

"Oh God... ::drool:: I'm getting that obsessive feeling again.." -Devon

Karyn: "Geez, I finally get the place cleaned up and they make us move. I hope Faith knows which house it is..."
Rikki: "Karyn, she can stop at my house to ask for directions!"

"sig making a fort w/ boxes like it saw Joey do on friends" -Darcy

Nichole: "Why'd they kill Doyle? ::runs and hides before anyone can hit her::"
Danielle: "::chases Nicky with a baseball bat::"

"I'm with you guys. I liked it when it was just one board. Hey, it's how it all started. :)" -Deen

"Damn kids kept acting up and I had to turn the car around three times." -Adam

"~Sarah- oh yeah, I almost forgot. I'm Sarah.. obviously " -Sarah (obviously)

"Hi Jenn! If by some strange twist of fate I was evil to you or ignored you, sorry! I'll be nicer here" -Adam

"OK, Hap, I'll bite. Who's concert are you working now?" -Lauren

"Obligatory is my favorite word (right up there with edited and it)" -Danielle

"One question, is there a board monitor here? Or can we just let loose with the nasty stuff?" -Fluf

"besides, hap is, was, and always will be our board boss. unless he leaves, in which case we're tracking his ass down." -Adam

"::the grand total of people referring to me as "special" has jumped up to three thousand and six::" -Adam

"And as for y'all not thinking Larraq is good-looking, fine. Less competition! (Wondering exactly how she can get in touch with Paul Leyden without being arrested for stalking.) " -Natalie

"I was actually reminded of this time today- I was reading an interview with Claudia Black, and when she mentioned something about an orgy, I sat there and giggled myself breathless till my side nearly split and my spleen came falling out. " -Natalie

"Somehow I knew this would all come around to a spleen.." -Jessica

"Nick! Please send the ferrets after my cable company!" -Alia

"I am so on board, but if I tell my parents they will be so away from the board they won't even be able to see it." -Danielle

"On the subject of poms, we have something very similar. Our school's mascot is the Trojans (as in the losers of the Trojan War). Our poms are called Athenas (For those familiar with the stories of Troy, you know that Athena was one of the gods that wanted the Trojans destroyed). Now take those facts, combine them with the fact that the school colors of the other high school in the district are blue and blue (light and dark), and it suddenly makes sense that the school board is comprised of a bunch of people whose combined IQ is smaller than my shoe size." -Nick

"Addiction, it's a good thing (my version of Marthat Stewart hehe)" -Sunny

"That's the first time I've ever seen that said. Now I'm going to look at it a few more seconds... Okay, done. Now wave bye-bye, we may never see it again." -Nick, in response to "we're a serious board about Buffy"

"Did I ever mention I love Nick? (though not in the same way I love David Boreanaz, of course) Nick rocks! Everyone say it w/me: Nick rocks! " -Shab

"< sigh > I still say that you can't stalk me or be my intern, so give it up." -Nick

"Please define what a "good" spleen joke is because I'm not sure if I ever told one." -Nick

"Speaking of my Save Ferris CD, it has completely dissapeared. I have no idea where it is. I have the case, and its not in my CD player or discman and I have no clue where it went. I seriously think it grew legs and walked away.
To my CD, if your listening, COME BACK!" -Danielle

"Ahem, she has not groped him...she grabbed him...a grab is not a grope, it's just pulling or attaching w/out any...groping...that is, she grabbed his rear end but she didn't grope because if she'd groped then she would've done more than I even making any sense anymore? ::going away before someone calls a sanitarium::" -Shab

Sarah: "Well, I had to stay within TOS guidelines.. and the words I needed to use just wouldn't fit."
Hap: "What is this "TOS" that you people speak of?"

"Zhaan is a plant and Timmy's princess melted. My world is askew." -Scott

Koren: "Shab:: you *did* know that that M'Lee chick was played by Ben's wife, right?< G >"
Shab: "Um, no...but hey, if she dies of starvation, I got dibs on her hubby!"

"Well, I'm guardian of Post-virus Larraq. Yeah, yeah, I know, homicidal and stabby, but *damn* he looks good..." -Natalie

"Since a lot of people are ripping their looks, I'll comment, too. I have a picture of me with a giant frog. If I ever get it on this computer and send it out, I'm behind the frog, not vice versa." -Nick

"Definition of "irony": Nick dies of a spleen injury" -Nick

"Which brings me to my favorite unanswered question: How are you supposed to look words up in the dictionary if you can't spell them?
Student: How do you spell (insert hard to spell word here).
Teacher: Look it up in the dictionary!
See, that just doesn't make sense!" -Danielle

"I was sitting looking at the comics today & I thought of something. As long as I can remember, I've always turned to Peanuts, will Lucy still be lying across Schroder's piano? What's Snoopy up to today & why doesn't Charlie Brown ever learn she's gonna pull that football away every single time? Today is the last one, we'll never know how they turn out, suddenly I just thought that we may be starting a new century but in another way we're ending an era. For a lot of us a part of our childhood is disappearing with Charlie Brown, Linus, Snoopy & the gang. Okay, I'm done now, you may go back to your regularly scheduled lives :)" -Arianna

"{{{Nat}}} I'd be happy to break into a PK base and get a paraphoral tissue sample for you...but I absolutely refuse to do the sl*t routine like some blue white-haired female who shall remain nameless did...anyway, what was the point of this message? Oh, yes, get well soon! :)
::sig trying to steal an ident chip::" -Shab

"Sorry about your broken heart. I've been there one time too many and it's definitely not nearly as fun a place as Disney World...nope, definitely not. " -Elena

"I'll put it on my "To-Do" list. It's right after "Get a merit badge"" -Hap

"If I ever meet him, I'll have to give him The Usual Award for Being the World's Best Guy Named Marc Blucas." -Nick

"I also read that Willow and Tara will definately be "buddy buddy" (Joss confirmation). The big JW promised that it will be done in Buffy's traditional far from the norm way. And Oz will be back (Also Joss confirmed). During the buddy-buddy-ship. Dear Oz, this'll be fun. :)" -Nick

"The larger a songbird's spleen is, the more songs it can sing. It's true." -Nick

"Sig's stopped packing long enough to sit in front of the big screen TV to watch Larraq in his full leather-clad glory" -Natalie

Steph: "I was kept in a room was like a basement......"
Heather: "This explains a lot."

"::Thinks and trys to remember childhood:: ::Looks very confused and dumbfounded:: Nope, I wasn't. I'm not too sure I had a childhood though.....I'll get back to you on that one. ::Talking to herself:: Childhood? Did I have a childhood?? What IS a childhood?" -Nichole

Katie: "YIKES!!!! You're both very very twisted....."
Nichole: "Thanx Katie, We try!"

"Yo-yo's can be quite dangerous when used properly." -Kerrid

"Darn sleepwalking. What did I volunteer for this time?" -Aly

"Just thought I'd point out that torture doesn't have to involve only PHYSICAL pain." -Kerrid

Aly: "The only thing that use to terrify me was the thought of my dad's ghost coming back to haunt me. And I'm over that now. So fire away. (Of course Sarah's come pretty close with her descriptions of foods I use to eat)"
sarah: "hehe. i find that really amusing. i know its sick but i do."
Nichole: "Oooooo, can I take this moment to try to recruit Sarah as a helper for torturing????"
sarah: "consider me recruited. yeah!"

"I'd rather live in the zoo then go through what Kerrid does in one of her off days." -Fluf

"I know there's a joke somewhere there, but I'm too tired to think of it" -Natalie

"::::Growls Loudly::::: Ok, Ok, Ok, you people have your fun picky on the lawyers, but remember, one of these days, I am gonna get every single on of you. ::::Evil Manical Laughter::::::::" -Ashli

"(no...I'm not losing my mind (can't lose something that's been gone for years))" -Scott

"Okay, let's look at the numbers here. Today Cal Ripken Jr.'s streak of consecutive baseball games played continued at 2500 games and Nat's streak of consecutive good hair days ended at 2. I think Nat's streak might be more impressive. And my condolences to you Nat on it's untimely and quite unjust end." -Mike

"Again, why do I tell you all these things? " -Natalie

"But I'll never for the life of me understand how you can not like chocolate. It's just not natural. Right Fluf?" -Stacy

"Nick I have only one thing to say. Stop this thinking stuff right now! You'r scaring me. If you start to think then someone else might get ideas and so on down the line. This could all end up with all of us thinking(shudder)! Please spare us this horrible fate! Stop thinking now while there's still time!" -Kerrid

"Yes, here I am, again, going to post, ready?" -Lynn

"Darn it Nat, why'd you have to bring up such an evil thought?
That's MY job." -Scott

"LOL that was BAAAAAD Nick, even for one of your posts" -Lori

"The following post has been re-formatted to fit your screen." -Karyn

Nichole: "Karyn, are you sure you're not a Riot Grrrl? :-)"
Karyn: "Shhh."

"You can make me watch re-runs, you can tell me you hate abbreviated bandwagons, but nobody tells me to turn of my TV." -Karyn

Heather: "Anyhow, you hit the nail right on the head this time! Consider me on the bandwagon!"
Karyn: "Yay! And only ten minutes after the bandwagon establishment. Is that some kind of record?"
Heather: "Probably."

"There was a story in the paper on National Turn off the TV Week. I was about to read it to see what it was about, but The Simpson's were on and I never did get around to reading it." -Mike

"It's so exciting to have a following again. I should arrange popular bandwagons more often." -Karyn

"i'm on the bandwagon. i think this is my first bandwagon... (in case you were wondering)" -sarah

"Bandwagon? Wait, let me turn down the sound on the TV. If they want me to turn off the TV for a week are they going to pay for a babysitter for my kids?" -Fluf

"(anyone who thinks I shouldn't post when I've only had 3 hours sleep and work a 91/2 hour day w/ 15 crabby toddlers, raise your hand and say pickles!)" Kerrid

"My baby knows the themes to two shows. Any guesses??" -Jessica

"Unfortunatly they did a study on children who watch a lot of TV (me as a kid) and they said that they tended to be mor violent. I however disagree with that. And if you have a problem with theat I will hit you." -Jessica

"Bree and Lauren?? Nat...where do I send in my objections?" -Hap

"Oh, how I wish Starbucks had delivery service..." -Natalie

"i've stopped listening to the radio because every five minutes that song is on, i've had to wear earplugs to go to blockbuster to rent movies because they are always playing the video, the commercial is on constantly, and so i have come to these boards, my safe Celien free zone and get accosted by this! NO! is nothing sacred?" -sarah, responding to Eva singing the Titanic song (aka that damn Titanic song)

"Eva, right now I have an image in my head of a certain board member trying to sing while acting like a deranged howler monkey." -Nick

"Now I've got "Stairway to Heaven" running through my mind. How I went from "I Only Have Eyes for You" to that I'll never know." -Jenny

"Well, enough of the blabfest about myself. sorry to bore ya! :) Oh well, u can survive. HANNIGANITES RULE!!!! :) <---hows that for an ending? :)" -Jill

"Nick shows restraint. Can't help but feel a strange mix of pride and disappointment." -Scott

"normal people give me the creeps." -sarah

"I don't even think I'm awake. I don't. I think this is just this weird conscious sleepwalking thing I'm doing. " -Natalie

"Is it just me or does Ash just get even MORE evil every second of every day??" -Nichole

"Viva la Neverenders!" -Nick

"The black knight always triumphs!!!!!" -Mupet

"There is plenty of room in the house left. And if theres not we'll just add more floors." -Dusty

"This house is extremely renovatable." -Scott

"If I were you I would suggest taking a floor as close to the pool as you can. Being on the 17th floor is no fun when you have to get on the hannivator all the way to the pool and then stand outside the hannivator later dripping wet, and waiting for it to come to the right floor so you can stop being freezing. I'd also advise you to add a 50" tv to your floor. Always nice to have one." -Devon

"I dislike airplanes strongly.
(only when in the air)." -Eva

"Glad to hear that Nat arrived safely. The next news I want to hear is that she landed a part in some new movie (Titanic 2, The Rising?)." -Fluf

"And please inflate my doll so it's like I'm there, and I can take in all the beautiful rays and stuff. Ahhhh." -Eva

"Ohare is evil!! Evil I say!!! " -Jessica

"Now that I have bored everyone, I shall shut up " -Lynn

"No quote today--
I'm still trying to remember to speak and type in English." -Elizabeth

"Alright, who let him out? Angle is steeling my posts! Grrr!!!!!! Whoever did it will " -Breanna

"hilarious spoiler- too bad you can't read it Shab... " -Alex

"For those who might have missed it, both the Cubs and the Red Sox have been eliminated from the playoffs today, thereby ending hopes of a World Series meeting between them. Seeing as Nick and I have been Cubs and Red Sox fans respectively for some time, disappointment in this area is something that comes with the territory." -Mike

"My post is LONG overdue, as I have been busy turning 20 and working a new 40hr work week. For those of you saying "Spice Vice who??", I'm Karyn, the Hanniganite VP, screenwriter and Spice Girl." -Karyn

"All that being said, I now have to go watch Xena." -Karyn

"Make friendship, not war!!!" -Shab

"Masturbation is a lot like watching Jerry Springer. You know you shouldn't do it.... you just can't help yourself sometimes." -Dan

"Everyone's all sad. I understand. But please know that I feel that by being sad and miserable, we're letting the WB win. Screw them. If the boards are going down anyway, let me give them something to remember me by. Something they can look at and go, "HE'S the reason we shut them down!"" -Dan

"< note to self: Do NOT look at the top of this post until done responding. > Okay, this was my response when I read it. "Hahahahahahaha hahaha hahahahahahaha. Hahaha hahaha, haha, hahahahaha chuckle ha. Hahaha cough haha."And it goes on like that." -Nick

"Very pleased about the brief re-appearance of the Ripper, who was more than willing to take a bat (or a file cabinet) to Snyder's head to get Buffy back in school. Yea!" -Jen

"I still hold that Snyder really IS a troll." -Jen

"Angel's back, in all his naked-buttocks glory." -Jen

"I had a feeling you would post something that announced your return. Of course, that prediction came immediately after you IMed me last night. Anyway, welcome back!" -Nick

"Wow........I feel like I'm on "Before They Were Rock Stars" where they show all those embarrasing video tapes before everyone was famous. Of course I'm not famous or a rock star but anyway, you get the idea." -Danielle

"As long as you didn't bleed to death wathcing buffy, i don't think you'd qualify as nuts." -Alex

JadeOgre: "I don't think being nuts comes into it; having guts maybe, but not being nuts. Glad things are better and they weren't any worse. While I was into model cars and planes (when I was about 14 or 15), I slipped and put an exacto knife across the top of four fingers for a total of about fifteen stitches. And one of my uncles who had taught a shop class in a rural high school was discussing safety around shop equipment and had an accident in his demonstration (his fault) and lost two fingers. things happen to anyone and everyone, but you sound like you are surviving OK! Feel better soon."
Koren: "Uh...daddy, which Uncle was that? Somehow I missed that story..."

"And the GAFSTEP (Giles Award for suffering through excruciating pain) Award goes to..." -Eva

"::::looking slightly green::::
Well, this is a lovely thread. 11 new posts since the last time I've checked about slicing fingers off. This is so what I need right now." -Kat

"Sig wondering why caffiene can't come in I.V. form!" -Hap

"okay, so i'm online, and i just don't want to get offline just yet. so i think i just want to post a little more. i don't have anything to really post abuot, so i'll just... RAMBLE! " -Natalie

"i think i'm done. for those of you who stuck with me through this whole midnless ramble, congratulations, you have one heck of an attention span. thanks for letting me type and work my way a step closer to developing carpal tunnel syndrome. " -Natalie

"As a cableless person (by choice, Cablevision on Long Island is a money hungry monopoly that can eat my shorts), I can understand how you feel to not be able to watch South Park. However, there are better things to do like...............................uh..................thinking here, give me a chance. Read a book. There I thought of one. " -Fluf

"That's funny....because I *TOO* had a dream about Buffy....and Cordy....and Willow..and Jenny....anyone wanna fathom a guess??" -Hap

"So now I went from being Hap to being a stereotype!! that a step UP on the evolution ladder?" -Hap

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