Who am i?

Who Am I?

My Illusions
The Morgue
Dark Poetry
Horror Movies
Whaley House


Dead Links
Haunted Hotel
The Scream Team
Bruce Campbell

The dark fills us with questions: Could something be watching me? What was that noise? Did something just touch me? EVERYONE has had a fear of the darkness, and most of us still do. Most choose not to explore it, but some like myself embrace it. I've been interested in it for a very long time. I remember when I was younger, at my old house, whenever I would begin walking up the stairs, my mother would yell to me, "Watch out for Freddy, he's in the dark!" In which always sent me running back down the stairs.

My mothers birthday falls on Halloween, so it's always been the biggest holiday to me. We celibrate it by, well... Scaring the shit out of kids, adults, whoever comes our way. We decorate our yard, complete with dead bodies, graveyards, blood, blood, and so much more BLOOD. Many years ago, we started out small. With nothing more than spiderwebs, and pumpkins. It grew every year since. We added graveyards, skeletons, dry ice, black lights, strobe lights, different rooms including hospital rooms, and dungeons. We got some ideas from Horror movies, and others just from thinking things up. With being so involved in Halloween... I developed a passion for Special effects makeup. I learned how to develop cuts, and gashes... add the makeup to blend it in with skin, and then the iceing on the cake, my favorite word in the world... adding the blood.

It's been a few years since i've taken special fx makeup as a hobby. And so I devoted a website to my work. My friends find me dark and macabre, I love every second of it. I would love to get involved with movies someday, but as of now, I just take pictures of my work, and maybe soon i'll complete an amature horror movie.

But what drives me to do this, is my facination with what I call, "The Darkside." Im not talking about gothic bullshit. I dont dress up like some 16th century fag, going around sucking blood. What i'm talking about is the Paranormal, the Supernatural, and the Unexplainable. Such as ghosts... Why do they exsist? In every background they have tales of ghost stories. Someone returning from the dead to deliever a message to a loved one, or maybe the haunting of the house that they lived and died in. What I want to do is get proof of ghosts and post the pictures on my website. Yes, I mean pictures that I take myself. I want to travel to different graveyards and take pictures. I live in San Diego, California. Home to one of the most genuinely haunted houses in the U.S. The Whaley house. One of two places in California that has been designated by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as a "True" haunted house. I hope to take several pictures there, among many other places.

Do you believe in the Darkside? As much as you try and push it away, it will sneak up on you sometime in your life and show its ugly face... One way or another... You WILL be a believer.


"The brain is what gives the body evil thoughts, protect it, we need it."

Unimaginable thoughts, evil intentions, and ritualistic murder... These things run thru my head constantly... They can't be stopped! I WANT the clowns to eat me, die you dirt. Why is it that whenever I WANT to party, the dead think its naptime. Try to read me, I dare you. My name is Vlad, bow to me...

The Demons live in my head... Close your eyes, tell me what you see. Did you hear the heart beat, it's beating its last beat. I am unconcious as I tell my story. Blood coagulates if not drinken fast enough. And yet the corpse told me not to go in the water.

Idle hands are the devil's playground, but willing souls are satan's toys.

Don't get to close, I don't want to freeze like before. Don't touch, im cold... Yet give me your affection, dna urht evol eht erised stsixe. Will I reply, not soon... Time is of the essence... maybe when your blood crys.

Listen to your brain, it tells you what to do, even though it uses you... Touch your heart, true intentions exsist where you fear they do.

I bleed as do you, yet my Heart is pure, Rich and Deep.


"His heart is what creates the evil blood which flows within his veins."

Underneath the twisted layers of flesh upon his body, lives his heart. The intentions have never been known to anyone. If he gives you a piece of it, hold on to it, for it is pricless... But if he never gives it to you, don't ask for it. It angers him.

Always keep an open mind, you never know what may happen... Expect the unexpected, yet never fear a thing. It's a waste of my precious time. I can be your savior, I can be your destroyer. But what I am most, is someone you'll never really know.

Know me my entire life, your questions will forever remain unanswered. Sorry, no refunds. I am quick to think, cunning by nature. Keep me company, I will love you forever. Make me smile, I will protect you. Make me feel, I'll be yours forever.

Deep, pure, and true... psycotic at times, but always true is my heart.

"But then again, is this blood so evil after all?"

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