Dark Poetry

Dark Illusions

Who am I?

My Illusions
The Morgue
Recent Kills
Dark Poetry

What would you say

What would you say If I told you I loved you Would you turn around And walk away

What would you say If I told you I needed you Would you laugh in my face And break my heart today?

What would you do If I told you I couldn't live without you Would you pretend you heard nothing And go on ignoring me

What would you do If I told you I don't give a damn Would you act suprised And ask me why?

What would you do If I told you your a worthless piece of shit Would you get mad And start to cry?

What would you say If I told you I didn't care Would you scream at me And hit me like I was still there?

What would you say If I was the one to walk away Would you cry And would your heart die like mine did?


Don't move. He'll see you. Don't breathe. He'll hear you. Don't think. He knows you...

You moved. He saw you. You breathed. He heard you. You thought. He knew you.

Don't scream. He'll find you. Don't cry. He'll smell you. Don't wish. He'll kill you.

You screamed. He found you. You cryed. He smelled you. You wished it.


I want to see bloodshed, Deaths of all those who don't see, Death to those who hate and destroy, And to those that steal and rape, Blood on the walls, Down the halls, Everyone needs to bleed for life, If you bleed your alive, But you will die in all due time

Bury Me

Bury me alive, And watch me die, With your own two eyes...

Bury my heart and soul, And watch my flesh rott, Dry to the bone...

Bury my flesh, And watch me dissapear, But I will still exist...

Bury your thoughts about me, Kill all your memories, You can't get rid of me...

Bury your dreams about me, Murder your fantasies, Destroy me, But I can never die

The End Is Now

I would do anything, Just speak it now, I'll do anything, To put a smile on your face

If time could be stopped, I'd do it now To keep this feeling alive, You and me together in this dark place

The rain drops disguise your tears, I'd wipe them away, If you'd come closer to me, Let me touch you and rid you of your pain

The heart beat quiets, I know you tried, If I could go back, It would be different, I hate to do this to you

The blood flow is slowing, The feeling is leaving, You will live without me, I apologize for the pain I've caused

The life I once knew is gone, Destroyed and distraught, Here I lay, Bloodied at your feet, The end is now, Now it's your turn to bleed.

Come Inside

Take my hand, I'll be your guide, In this travel thru my mind, Down these steps, And around these walls, Lives them, they're all around

Paranoid and murderous, Are the residents of my brain, Constantly spilling the blood of others, Laughing while commiting suicide, Instilling fear in everything

Stay close, they hide, Follow me into execution, See me strapped to the chair, Hold this gun to my head, Go ahead, I'll smile while you pull the trigger

Did I die? Am I dead? I think not, this is my domain, My world filled with torture and pain, To bleed is to be alive, Cherish it while you have it, For someone like me may take it away

Step over the dead, And enter the morgue, Be quiet as they sleep, So peaceful and lovely, Do you like my work? Murdered with my bare hands, Destroyed they're lives, Nobody can run from the reaper

Care to join me? Bathe in the rotting flesh, This is how I live, I can't be murdered, I'm already dead, Alright enough said, It's time for my demons to be fed


I Lay awake in the serene silence, plagued by my thunderous thoughts, what to do, I don't know, should I stay, or run away, In my times of need, I wish to turn and to see you next to me, run my fingers through your hair, kiss your lips, touch your body, worshipping you if you were there, But when I close my eyes, and release my spirit into you, I can feel your presence holding me tight,


By: Wolfer

Though life is a factor, and burial is my existance, flames burning, but I still feel so dark and cold. One man's slayer of bodily organs is my laughter, for I too have wittnessed psycotic acts of a lovable, silly clown. As blood drips, a clock ticks, but there is not enough time for a suffication period. 6-Feet under lies a better world, but Hell's true angels, walk the ground above. We will all die, but only some will stay happy. Banshee's will feast on the very soul in which will keep their twisted minds from parading, Killing, Creating a blood bath, in which I will bathe, for they are my friends and I know they like me, THEY DO! But I still hear cries that will not remain buried, no matter HOW MANY STABS, no matter HOW MUCH GASOLINE is poured, I'm still here! and I still hear, and I still hear them, but that's OK. The clown is still laughing, but NOT AT ME! I'll always hear him regardless of the blood pouring out of my eardrums, and it still never made sense on how one could watch his family bleed, with no arms in they're sockets, but thats all right, the dogs were hungry, I had to feed them somehow. Then he hideously tells me, "Don't slit my throat, I don't know you that well," but now I have the key, and society can no longer lock me out of a lifestyle that causes me to hate, laugh, kill, then laugh even harder, but the grim reaper is quite a unexpected guest, but I treat him like uncle BOB...


By: Wolfer

You never felt my pain, but NOW you will FEEL my dark, cold, lonely nights. The smell of a rotting corpse never made one smile, even though I don't smile, doesn't mean I don't have happiness...











By: Melissa Kakoz

Permit me to tell you about death, for I have felt the pain of losing a loved one, the tears of shattered eyes, the unbearable pain of a brused heart. My hurt is like a confused child stranded in an isolated closet. Yet the death I remember most, is the one that left me crying, the death that made me deminish to nothing.

I Died

By: Wolfer

I lived then I died. But your the one 6-feet under, blood so pure as the morning dew, the Grim Reaper is the creator of life after death, where the dogs are hung by their necks, cats are superior beings, the walls are all melting, but it's just so cold as I scrape his face with a rake. He laughs, so I start laughing, WOW! We're having fun, then his face is gone, only one eye remains. He's not laughing no more, as well he's not breathing either.

Evil Intentions

Seven deadly sins, but only one got me stressin, ya see I'm evil like Knevel, but I ain't no daredevil, straight up killa to the reala, I feel this gun in my hand, but nah, this ain't my style, pass me tha Axe, cause I ain't murdered in a while, I play games, if ya home call ya on the phone, mess with ya brain, just 2 let you know i'm insane like I say, only at day? Hell nah, night is when I fright, it's just the midnight hour is when I feel my power, mess with me, ya familiy be visitin ya in tha cemetary, check ya backseat before ya get in, cause im there, just keep drivin like you ain't got no care, neither do I, wonder what it feels like when I split ya dome, feel ya blood splatter, run down my face, ain't no cannibal, but I like the way it tastes, just watch ya back, as matter a fact...

This Evil inside me, got me havin Intentions, why these voices tell me do, I guess it's my decaying mind, look in my eyes, I got you contemplating suicide, It's nothing but my Evil Intentions...

Ever been buried alive? I have, i'm back from tha grave with a rotten brain, got me chantin kill ya now, but I don't know how? You don't? I'll teach ya like this, but first on tha reala, we get to that later, it comes naturally, can you feela? what seein ya family murdered does to a childs brain? vowin for revenge, out to get them with that same rage, flip tha page in this story book of death, now enter chapter 2, the deceased rest, but tha undead thrive on whats alive, you goin die, my arsenal of wicked weapons is torture, I'm a one man regime, although it seems, that it's just a dream, ha you'll see whether or not it's me, huntin ya down, stalkin ya in the twilight zone, I could be Jeckyl or I could be Hyde, I am a Gemini, gots 2 sides to me, one's bad, tha others worse, don't matter, either one will send ya ass off in a hearse...i got a G.D.D, just my Grave Diggin Degree, I am the Judge, Jury, and Executioner in this court of darkness, If the glove don't fit, you must aquitt, HA, BULLSHIT! I take care of it with my bare hands, deliver ya soul to my master, and ya body to the dirt, my only toy as a child was a OUIJA, while other kids was playin Mario and Luigi, but still, nobody can stop me, not the law, not the forces of good, watch me kill the entire world with my fists of blood...