Special FX

Who Am I?

My Illusions
The Morgue
Dark Poetry
Horror Movies


Dead Links
Haunted Hotel
The Scream Team
Bruce Campbell

Welcome to my passion... Special FX makeup. All this started years ago when I would watch horror movies, and see the killer break into the victims house, grab them and brutally murder them. I thought to myself, "Wow, I want to do that!" So I grabbed a big knife, ran outside, and looked for the nearest one of my friends. I ran over and butchered him repeatedly. *KIDDING* I lost alot of friends that way, so I decided to do it with makeup, take pictures of it, use it for Halloween, and generally just to scare the shit out of friends, family, and everybody.

My mother and I are Halloween fanatics, besides Halloween being my mother's birthday, we celibrate it as if we were followers in the church of Halloween... ok, maybe not her, but I DO! Several years ago, our Halloween decorating started out as just a few spiderwebs, and a couple of tombstones with funny writings on them. Each year it progressed... We started making our own dummies, designed little motors to make the dummies heads move. It really freaked people out. But there was no live action... I was too little to be scary. But still, each year we progressed this, making more dummies, more headstones, more of everything.

Have you ever watched a horror movie and had to turn away at the sight of someone being murdered? The way it was filmed combined with the makeup techniques of the makeup artist, and then just add an unbelievable amount of blood... OOOooooH MAMMAA!!! Beautiful... truly one of gods wonders... Hehe... I LOVE BLOOD, I LOVE GORE... Haven't you noticed by now? I have a huge bottle of blood in my room, and sometimes when I feel like it, i'll just pour it on myself, *Hands, face, arms...* and just watch it, it's a beautiful sight. Now, sure my friends KNOW I'm weird, but I guess they like that about me. Shit, even my ex told me that, "You look sexy covered in blood." DAMN SKIPPY I DO BITCH! MUH HAHAHA!

Im a prankster, did you just think I do this shit for my own personal pleasure? Well, yeah I do... But why waste it on me??? When I can scare the shit out of everyone I know! The whole, "MOM, I'm bleeding," thing doesn't work anymore, she knows me too well... But Neighbors and friends, and just plain strangers... don't know better... MUH HAHAHAH! Using the techniques that I've learned *I haven't gone to Special FX school, or anything like that... and I never will* building cuts, gashes, burns, projectiles *objects sticking in or out of skin*, whatever... I use do it. And I love it...

Here I've posted some of my work, and in time I will make this my online portfolio of FX makeup. Until this is entirely complete... just go ahead and enjoy my beautiful works of art... for I am a artist of death... and I love it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jayson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~