All Of My Clothing
15-20 pairs of generic socks from "Napa Mercantile", good condition (price unknown).
12-15 pairs of "Jockey" underwear briefs from "Napa Mercantile" in good condition, $6-$10 (depending on a sale or not).
15-20 T-shirts from "Eddie Bauer" in good condition, $15-$30 dollars each (depending on a sale or not).
4 pairs of Good condition "Levi's 501's" jeans, $18-$35 each (depending on sale or not).
4 pairs of worn "Levi's 501's" jeans.
15-20 T-shirts from "Eddie Bauer" and other assorted places in worn condition, originally received as gifts.
2 very worn generic hooded sweatshirts, $15 new.
1 good condition generic hooded sweatshirt, received as gift.
1 "Ralf Lauren Polo Jacket", brand new condition, hardly worn, received as gift. (I tend not to feel comfortable in that fancy piece of junk).
1 wind breaker, slightly worn, received as gift new.
1 good condition all weather jacket, received as gift, $120 new.
10-15 assorted pieces of clothing including ski gear, ski hats, ski gloves, and random items.
1 pair of Converse All Stars, which are quite worn and cost $28 dollars new on sale.
1 pair of rubber boots I received as a gift.
That concludes all of my clothing (honestly). I use a "Maytag" washing machine and dryer machine to take care of my clothes, in addition to "Arm and Hammer, Fabricare Free" cleaning detergent. I made none of the above clothes, but bought most of them at discount prices. One might say I am more of the hunter gatherer of the modern society clothes wise.