Transportation Log for One Week

Monday-Friday I used a big red GMC Jimmy 1984 Sierra Classic model with a new engine and a 25 gallon tank. Filled up tank one time at the beginning of the week for $45, and had approx. 1/2 of a tank left on Friday. Weekend transportation was provided for free by a friend starting Friday at 12:00noon.

7:30am-7:55am-7.4 miles-Home to School.
10:00am-10:05am-1.2 miles-School to "South Napa Market Place".
10:10am-10:15am-6.2 miles-"South Napa Market Place" to Home.
10:40am-10:55am-7.4 miles-Home to School.
1:00pm-1:25pm-7.4 miles-School to Home.
5:30pm-6:00pm-10 miles-Home to "Radio Shack District Office".
7:30pm-8:00pm-10 miles-"Radio Shack District Office" to Home.

6:30pm-6:35pm-3 miles-Home to Friend "Martin" House.
6:55pm-7:00pm-3 miles-Friend "Martin" House to Home.
8:30pm-8:35pm-3 miles-Home to Friend "Martin" House.
11:00pm-11:05pm-3 miles-Friend "Martin" House to Home.

7:30am-7:55am-7.4 miles-Home to School.
10:00pm-10:25pm-7.4 miles-School to Home.
10:40am-10:55am-7.4 miles-Home to School.
1:00pm-1:25pm-7.4 miles-School to Home.


7:30am-7:55am-7.4 miles-Home to School.
10:00am-10:10am-6 miles-School to "Golden bagel" shop.
10:45am-10:55am-6 miles-"Golden Bagel" shop to School.
11:50am-12:00noon-7.4 miles-School to Home.
12:00noon-12:05pm-3 miles-Home to Friend "Martin" House. All other transportation to the end of this study is provided for free by a friend.
12:30pm-3:30pm-110 miles-Friend "Martin" House to "Ikedas" Food.
4:30pm-5:30pm-60 miles-"Ikedas" Food to "Homewood Lodge" in "Lake Tahoe".

I walked a lot.

8:30am-9:00am-20 miles-"Homewood Lodge" to "Alpine Ski Resort".
4:00pm-5:00pm-50 miles-"Alpine Ski Resort" to "Ikedas" Food.
6:30pm-9:00pm-110 miles-"Ikedas" Food to Home.
All of the driving I did was for school related, food related or weekend planning related activities. I usually follow the same pattern shown Monday through Friday, though the friends house I visit varies. The weekend was an exception in this case because on a normal weekend I stay home and do work on the internet or on our property (though I get paid for neither).
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