The Boy Band Real World

What happens when you take 3 boy bands, stick them in a house surrounded by teenie boppers? Find out when these groups stop singing and start getting on each others nerves.

**In the living room**
Nick:Where's AJ? Isn't he supposed to be here? After all, this intervention is for him.
JC:He's in his room
AJ:**runs into the living room with Ritchie's brush in his hand, singing into it** T...t...t...touch me I wanna be dirty- **looks around the room and sees everyone staring at him like an idiot** Hey- I thought you went bowling.
Brian:No, this is a intervention
Scott:You need to stop usin' drugs
AJ:**gets scared** Stop using drugs? You're just wastin' my time. I gotta leave for my date with Koko Cain. And we're doubling with Angel Dust and his girlfriend Krystal Meth.
Joey:That's so unfair. Why does he get all of the strippers?
JC:Don't be stupid, they're not strippers. Didn't you ever notice that the names of the people he hangs out with all have the same names as drugs?
Brian:Yeah, I thought you all knew that whenever AJ said that he was going out with Koko Cain it meant that he was going to smoke crack in the dumpster behind the fish market
Justin:So dat be why mah homeboy AJ be stinkin' up da house!
Rich:Ewww. I hate the smell of fish. I have to spray my Tommy Girl in my room so I don't smell it.
Joey:Mmm..sea food
Brian:He smells like the LJS I used to work at.
JC:Shut up! We're supposed to get AJ off drugs.
AJ:Like that will happen
JC:I knew this would happen. Which is why you have to go to rehab tomorrow.
AJ:NO! I NEED my drugs!

**Two days drug free in rehab**
AJ:**Singing and rocking back and forth in a corner** Shooby doo wop and Scoobie snacks. I wish I had Scoobie snacks,but after them, I always see ghosts.
**The others are watching him through a window in the door**
Lance: It makes me so sad to see AJ like that **Starts crying, and causes Rich and Nick to cry**
J:Shut up ya sissies
**At night, AJ talking to himself**
AJ:I'm gonna get JC. If I have to go to rehab, he has to go to AA meetings
The next day**
JC:What do you mean I have to go to AA?
Justin:Someone frum da AA place said det there wuz gonna be a meetin' today
Abs:Since you made AJ go to rehab, its only fair that you go to AA
JC:What about Scott, Sean, and Rich? They drink alot and they aren't old enough to here.
Sean: But you drink more than we do
**JC at the AA meeting**
JC:Hi, I'm JC and I'm not an alcholic, but I'm going to be the next ruler of the universe
Counselor:Oh no, JC, you must be in denial and dilusional
JC:But I AM going to be the next ruler of the universe
Counselor:You need to be realistic
JC:I am. If Mickey Mouse doesn't think I have a problem, then I don't have a problem **Leaves to get AJ out of rehab**
AJ:I'm glad that JC took me out of rehab. Now he knows how it feels to be forced to stop doing what you love. And I'm glad that Scott Weiland can't beat me up anymore. Now I'm not mad at JC cause I'm on so many drugs right now and these last couple of days have been such a blur, whit all the drugs and going to bars with four out of 5ive and JC. I guess thats why I don't remember when I got breast implants. I'll get rid of them...soon...maybe. OK I don't know if or when I will. But I have to admit I like being a she-male, except when Justin grabs my butt and calls me Britney or when Joey hits on me.

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