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December 3, 2001 - Monday

A very nice day.

In the morning I was fast asleep and I didn't hear Fumihiko when he left the room, but I did hear him when he came back 5 minutes later. He had misplaced his watch.

I got up at 9:30 after falling fast asleep again. I answered some email and wrote my entry for Sunday. I also did laundry and ate breakfast. Fumihiko popped in for a few minutes to give me my bike keys and to look unsuccessfully for his watch again.

At 1:15 I phoned my friend Keiko and told her I would meet her by the park, but she told me that she knew where I lived now and would come and get me. So, I waited for her, and looked for the missing watch some more. Didn't find it.

When Keiko arrived , we drove off to Sakata and gabbed a lot. Well, actually, I talked and she listened. We had lunch at Steak One, but we didn't have steak. We ate chicken and salad. It was very good. After that she took me to a second hand store that had some really cool stuff. I like looking at stuff like that. Then she drove me to the store that she actually wanted to show me. It was neat and had a lot of Asian stuff. I ended up buying a few things for my nieces Caryn and Michelle. After that Keiko drove me to Mikawa Jusco. I had a while to wait before I could call Fumihiko so I invited her in to have a cup of coffee with me at Seattle's Best Coffee. I had Cafe Mocha, and it was darn good.

We separated after the coffee and I went upstairs to check on the movie times. There was a showing of Harry Potter at 5:40 in English that I thought we might be able to make. I called Fumihiko and told him so he promised to come quickly!

We went to see the film and it was great. Two and a half hours flew by, I didn't look at my watch once, nor did I even want to.I think that it is a classic already. You can read my review of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone here.

I don't know why but I didn't expect Fumihiko to like it, but he did. Then I remembered that he likes stories like this.

Since we didn't have time to eat before the movie, we had to find something after. Nothing in the mall really struck us so we drove back to Tsuruoka and went to Gusto. It was okay, but it seems to be a hangout for teenagers now. (Does it make me really old to say things like that?)

We came home and took our baths. That was that. I had a great time shopping and saw a fabulous movie. A darn good way to end my weekend.


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