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December 4, 2001 - Tuesday

A busy day!

In the morning when I finally got up I did a lot of computer stuff. I worked for almost 2 hours on my computer and ran out of time. I was supposed to eat breakfast, but I didn't have time for much. I ate a bagel that I bought yesterday, some salad and then washed up. I didn't have time to cook myself some bacon. Sigh.

I was running late so all I could do was pat Gombei on the head and leave. I biked for all I was worth and made up a lot of time. Fortunately, the roads were not too busy and they were also dry. It was sunny, if a bit cold.

When I got to work I quickly checked that my first two classes were all prepared and basically got down to teaching. Today I had seven lessons. All but one of them went quite well. During my one "free" hour I made sure the rest were okay for today, then I prepared a lesson for my children's group today.

Towards the end of the day, all the students came in and told me that it was snowing. That was not what I wanted to hear! It was raining, I knew that, but snow too? Argh.

After work I had a chat with Aki when the phone rang. It was my dear Fumihiko, telling me that he had just finished work and offering to drive me home. Of course, I accepted! In a few minutes he arrived and waited for me to finish.

We drove home and ate a very nice supper of fish, shu mei (Chinese style pork dumplings) and miso soup and rice. It was good. Fumihiko had also bought some kimchi at work from his co-worker so he ate some of that. In fact, he ate so much that I worry about his stomach exploding! (Not really, but it was quite hot!) He's off now taking his bath. I'll take mine soon and that will be that for today. I'm hoping that I can get to work okay tomorrow. I may have to catch a ride in the morning, but then I won't be able to do my computer stuff. Sigh. Oh well. I'll have to wait and see....and so will you! ;-)

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