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December 5, 2001 - Wednesday

A so so day.

I got up at 7:30 this morning. It had snowed last night, and even though there was no snow on the ground I was worried that it might snow again. So, I got Fumihiko to drive me to the apartment where I napped for two hours, before going to bed. It was an interesting way to start the day.

On the way to work I went to a bakery, saw and chatted to one of my students and mailed a Christmas Card. I was at work in less than 20 minutes, so I think I like this plan!

Work was fine today. Classes went well, mostly, although attendance is starting to fall off with the Christmas season...oops sorry that would be the New Year Season here.

I went out for lunch today and read one of my magazines. I really enjoyed it. It was all about cooking Christmas Dinner and one thing they suggested for an elegant dinner for 8 people was roast beef. Well, that just isn't a good idea in Japan right now!

After work I did my paperwork and Fumihiko came to get me. He just got off work, so the poor guy hadn't even been home yet. I feel bad for him. I had two extra hours of sleep time this morning, he didn't. Oh well. Poor guy!

He's off taking his bath and I'm upstairs writing my entry. That's all I have to say for today.

Night night!

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