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December 18, 2001 - Tuesday

A productive but tiring day.

I got up at the crack of dawn (a.k.a. 7:35 this morning) to go to my apartment. There is still a ton of snow and I don't really want to walk all the way to work.

The traffic was going at a crawl. At one point Fumihiko turned into a side street to get away from traffic, just to be met with by a bunch of high school kids on their way to school! They were even slower than the cars.

Still, I made it to my apartment in one piece. I napped for a bit and then worked on the rest of my cards. I had to add a bit of glitter to the ones I made on Monday. Having done that, I was looking for something else when I came across the letter that I'd started a month ago to a relative and never finished. It had been in my purse for a long time! I decided to finish it. I'm not sure how eloquent I was, but it's done and ready to be sent off now. Hurray!

I gathered up my stamping stuff and walked to school. I stopped at a bakery on the way. At work, I prepared for my lesson and ate breakfast.

I had a telephone meeting which was quite ho-hum and then did more prep. I didn't finish, but luckily one of my classes didn't show up, so I got everything done. People are really not coming to class very much, I've noticed these days. Sigh.

Work itself was fine. In my children's class today we made Christmas cards and the girl did a super job. We're going to send a card to her old teacher Gabrielle. Isn't that nice of us?

After work I was picked up by a very nice man, and driven to his home where I was fed, amongst other things, miso soup. Mmm. My favourite!

And that's it. I have another busy day tomorrow. I have to do an interview for a child. Yuck. I just don't like children. Sigh.

Anyway, I'm done. Have a good night!

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