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December 21, 2001 - Friday

What a day!

I woke up around 5:00am the first time because I was too hot. Then, I woke up around 7:30 because that's the time I set on the alarm clocks in the apartment. I wanted to get up and see Fumihiko off.

I made him some coffee and cup ramen, and he ate an onigiri that he'd bought last night. He'd also bought the cup ramen, lest anyone think that was my idea to eat it for breakfast.

He left and I went back to bed. I slept a bit longer than I wanted to, but I had serious problems getting out of bed. I finally dragged myself out, took a shower and watched more TV. I really enjoyed the culture break from Japanese TV.

I walked to work this morning and then grabbed something from the bakery. That was really nice. For lunch today I went out to the restaurant in Marica. It was nice to get out of the school.

Classes went well today. I also had an interview which went well too. Maybe too well!

Fumihiko came and picked me up around 10 pm. I wasn't in a good mood because of school things, but not because of him. We ate a nice dinner at his house and I'm now writing this entry while he takes his bath. I'm calming down but my plans are firming up in my mind for my future. One thing in my future is that I plan to watch Ally McBeal in a few minutes!

And that's it for today. I hope tomorrow is better. I really do.

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