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December 25, 2001 - Tuesday

Merry Christmas!

A very very nice day.

I woke up this morning, not too early, not too late. We came downstairs and ate breakfast and helped Fumihiko's mum set up the kotatsu.

After that it was present time! Santa was very generous to us and we all got lovely stockings full of goodies. I also got a mini radio and some money, as well as a jacket from my friend Michelle and a couple of books that came from Britain from my second cousin Sally. Wonder of wonders, the books are ones that I haven't read, so I'll have them to look forward to. Fumihiko and I bought ourselves a Play Station 2 and some DVDs so we'll have that to amuse ourselves with too.

In the afternoon we went out for a drive and to pick up the chicken for supper. We drove out to Mount Takadate and climbed up the tower there. It was a beautiful clear day and we could see for miles and miles. The road was a bit scary in places as the snow hadn't melted, but Fumihiko is a good driver and we didn't have any trouble.

When we came back, I put together a cheese and cracker plate and put that out on the living room table. It was great. I started dinner a bit after that.

I made roasted potatoes and Caesar salad with sesame bread croutons. We heated up one of the chickens and also some buns. For dessert we had canned fruit. It was very simple, but considering that this is the first time in a long time that I've attempted any type of cooking, that was just what I needed to do. I just remember KISS...keep it simple, stupid! Anyway, everything was well received, especially the Caesar salad. Fumihiko gave me a hand with the dishes after too, which makes him a champion in my books!

In the evening we watched tv while I wrote some New Year Cards and then wrote a bunch of email and this entry. I think we'll be taking baths soon. We both have to work tomorrow so I'd like to get to bed quite early if I can.

That's it for me. A nice, not too stressful day. Hurray! Because Christmas is so special for me, I was worried that it would be awful, but it wasn't. It was actually rather nice.

Night you under the mistletoe???

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