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November 13, 2001 - Tuesday

Last night I went to bed in leggings, wool socks and a nightie. It wasn't too glamourous but it did keep me warm. Thank goodness. It's getting colder here.

In the morning I wrote a lot of email before I left for work. Wouldn't you know it, it started to pour as I left the house, and kept raining all the way to work. I did wear my rain cape, but I was still a little wet.

Work was fine today. One class didn't show, but apart from that, I was busy. I did a lot of prep work for today and a bit for tomorrow.

In a few classes I talked to them about the way their class had been taught and the way it will be taught in the future. What they want, and how they want it taught. It didn't go as well as I hoped in one class. I feel pretty bad about that.

I left the school before 10 and got home a bit after 10. My mother in law hadn't even gone to bed yet, so Gombei didn't wake her up for a change. I'm so glad! That dog bugs me. He doesn't bark when the mail carrier comes, but he does when I come home. Hmm. Strange one that!

Fumihiko was really sweet tonight, he brought me my supper and he even offered to do the dishes so that I could do my computer work. Nice guy!

And, on that proud note, I'm going to bid all of you good night. Good night!

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