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November 14, 2001 - Wednesday

I had a nice start to the day. My husband could take me to work today. He had to go to Yamagata for something like a union meeting so he drove me to work at 10:30. I had a very relaxing morning before work, reading the paper and making sure that I was ready for classes. The only downside was that I didn't get to check my email as I usually do.

Work was fine. One student had cancelled her lesson last week, so I had a bit of extra free time to prepare. I was glad to have it. Some of my students even told me that they'd been reading and laughing at my home page, so that's a good thing I think.

I was lucky and I could leave the office early tonight. And guess what! Yep, you got it, Fumihiko came and got me. Yay! I was very happy to see him.

He drove me home and we ate supper together. That was nice. Then I did dishes (he did them last night) and I came upstairs to write my diary entry. It took a long time to warm the computer up, so I've decided that I'll have to move it downstairs, probably this weekend.

He's going to take a bath soon and then I'll take mine. And that's it for tonight. Good night!

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