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November 15, 2001 - Thursday

Today was a pretty good day. I wasn't as busy as I usually am on Thursday, and a class didn't show up either, so I got a lot of stuff done.

Today was also the day when we had to fill out tax forms. This was the first time that I got to say that I am married on an official form. Hurray! I hope that means I get to keep more money! I wish!

I went shopping at lunch to buy some stuff for my classes. I got some paper cups and some buttons for the child class today. I did use them, but I'm not sure if the child is learning anything. I also read him a book today. I think he understood it. It was a cute story anyway.

In one of my classes today I taught about hair styles. That's always a fun lesson. And, after the class I talked to the student and she's enjoying class. Yay! I'm glad.

When I cycled home tonight the stars were amazing. I wanted to stop looking at the road and gaze at the stars instead, but in the interest of my safety, I didn't! I do often complain about things that Japan doesn't have, but this is one time where Tsuruoka's night sky beats Edmonton's hands down. That's the one good thing about having very few street lights I guess. It is pretty dark and scary at times though.

And that's it. I had a lovely supper of fish, spinach with sesame paste, miso soup and rice. Fumihiko volunteered to do my dishes so I could write my entry for today. What a sweetie!

And in a bit I'll go to bed, after I take a shower. So, talk to you tomorrow night I hope! Night-night.

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