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November 16, 2001 - Friday

Happy Birthday Vanessa!

Today was a good day. I was busy for a Friday at work too. Usually I've been having only 4 or 5 lessons, but today it was 6. Not too bad, but sometimes private and kids lessons mean I have to do a lot of the talking, even when I don't want to.

We woke up this morning around 5:30 am because there was a terrible thunderstorm. I got up and unplugged my modem. I know that it's in a surge protector, but I don't want to take any chances, it might be hard to replace here.

It rained most of the morning, but when I left for work it was quite sunny and clear. Hurray! I did manage to get stuck behind a couple of ol' slowpokes on bicycles though. I zoomed past them when it was safe and went on my way.

Tonight when I had done my paperwork it was storming on and off and I thought I was really lucky when I went down to my bicycle and it was on an off moment. My friend Shimi was there outside her shop and we said hello for a second. As I was unlocking my bike a car drove up and she said to me, "Is that Fumihiko?" I said I didn't think so, but it was! What a nice treat. My very gorgeous husband was picking me up! He just finished his work so he picked up my bicycle and me. What a sweetie! He was wearing a suit too, so I felt a bit underdressed, especially since I was garbed for rain. Yep, rain cape, white hair band, black and white wool hat and bright green gloves. I was a sight!

At home we ate supper together. His Mum gave him some natto, with nameko mushrooms. I like nameko but not natto so there was general hilarity when I refused it. Why is it that when I say I don't like natto everyone says the same thing? "Oh, but natto is very healthy!" May be true, but I'm not putting something that smells that bad in my mouth.
After we ate I did the dishes and then we watched Ally McBeal. I like Robert Downey Jr. Yes, I know he's a bad boy, but I do like him. While we watched Ally we drank a couple of weak Brown Cows.

Then, we came upstairs and I looked up Van's phone number. Today is her birthday and I wanted to call her. We called her and both Fumihiko and I got to talk to Katie-chan for a few minutes. That was fun. She knows that Fumihiko is her uncle, but she doesn't seem to know that I'm her aunt! She knows that I'm her mother's sister though!

And that's about it. We're in the midst of yet another thunderstorm, so I am not sure if I will post this. Maybe I will, if I feel brave. Night!

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