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November 17, 2001 - Saturday

A pretty quiet day, all told.

I got up this morning but I didn't have time to check email or anything. Wow!

Fumihiko drove me to work and I spent the first couple of hours reading the newspaper and then preparing for classes. I think everything went quite well. I'm in pretty good shape for next week I think.

I also got one of my Cosmopolitan's from Otaru. Hurray! I read part of it on my lunch hour. I left it at work so that I can read it next week.

My lessons were fine and I finished quite early. Yay. Then I did a bit of paperwork to prepare for next week. It's the paperwork deadline then.

I left the school just before 10:00 and Fumihiko picked me up on the dot and drove me home. I ate a delicious meal of oden and sausages and rice. I'm just waiting for Roswell to come on, but I have to go to bed quite early tonight. It's not fair!

I and my co-workers are going to Sendai for a teachers meeting. We are catching an early bus so that we can do some shopping. I'm looking forward to it, because it'll be the first time I've been in Sendai in more than a year, excepting last year when I took a plane to Sendai.

That's it. Wish me luck! I hope I can sleep on the bus tomorrow. 'Night!

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