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November 18, 2001 - Sunday

Today began very early. Too early if you ask me! The alarm went off at 6:30 and I had to get up. So did poor Fumihiko. Luckily I had put out my clothes last night, so I didn't have to even think about what I was going to wear.

Fumihiko drove me to the bus station and even waited until I got on the bus. There's assigned seating now, and I got to sit next to Hitomi. We both slept on the way to Sendai. It only took a bit over 2 hours for a change. It used to be more than 3 I think, so a pleasant surprise. When we arrived, we met up with Aki and went to Doutours for coffee. I had Royal Milk Tea and a bagel. It was okay, but they put hard boiled egg in it. Yuck.

After that we separated and went shopping. I headed to E. Beans. I was looking for my stamp shop. I couldn't find it, sadly, but I did find the book shop. I bought a couple of books for me, and a few for work. That was good. I also bought a lot of Japanese Christmas cards.

After a couple of hours in that building and with time running out, I went over to Vivre and bought a calendar. They did have a small stamping section, but I didn't like too much there.

Then, in the distance I spied an HMV store, so I made my way there. I found a cd by The Barenaked Ladies, their Greatest Hits album, so I bought it. Yay!

Then I realized I was running late for the meeting so I left the store and made my way to the school. I was 5 minutes late, but we were still early for the meeting, so it was okay.

The meeting was okay. I met some new teachers and saw an old buddy so that was nice. I even gave my email address to one of the new teachers so that she could contact me, especially if she would like to come and visit. I know how hard it was to get out and about my first year or so. You don't know where to go or how to get there!

Lunch at the meeting was pizza and pasta. Very little of it didn't have tomato so I hope I'll survive! I tried to eat as little of tomato as I could, but my mouth already feels a bit dry and my face is beginning to itch. Sigh.

Sadly, we had to leave the meeting early to catch our bus. We caught it easily, and then dozed or read our way back to Tsuruoka. In Tsuruoka, I was surprised when Fumihiko was waiting at the bus stop for me. Our bus arrived 20 minutes earlier than I thought it would, so I thought I'd have to wait for him. But no, I didn't!

We went to the apartment and he showed me some of the pictures that he took of the imoni party before I came back and of Gabrielle, and of the trip to Furano that Fumihiko and I took before we got married. The one where I almost got cold feet and called the whole marriage off. Silly me.

Then, he took me out to sushi, to a place that I'd never been before. It's a shop run by a friend of his. He told me that the master was at our wedding, but to be honest, I don't remember. I don't remember a lot about that day, just that my feet hurt and I glowed a lot. (My mother used to quote the old maxim,"Horses sweat, gentlemen perspire; ladies glow :") After some great sushi, we came home where his Mum tried to feed us again. We managed not to have any more food and then I showed them what I had bought today. Fumihiko and I ended up playing a game that I bought in a hundred yen shop and had a lot of fun. Then I suggested that we stay up, or wake up to watch the Leonid meteor shower. He tried to find some information about it in the newspaper, but couldn't.

I hope we'll go out and see it. It's something that I really want to do.

Tomorrow's plan? Uncertain yet, but we may drive somewhere. That would be cool!

Good night!

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