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November 22, 2001 - Thursday

Quite a busy day today. I had many classes and it seemed like they all went okay, hurray! One student even came back after about 3 weeks of no class, so that was doubly nice.

We've finally fixed our Christmas party at the school. Hurray. I was getting worried. It seemed like we kept talking about it and not doing anything for it.

I felt very tired today, all day. Even on the way home I really had to be careful because I just wanted to sleep! Luckily there wasn't much traffic, so I didn't have to worry too much.

At home I ate supper with my husband. It was very nice of him to wait for me. It was also nice just to be with him. I feel bad because I don't always see very much of him.

Tomorrow is his birthday, but we don't have anything special planned. I thought we were going to his relatives house, but apparently they aren't having a party this year. That's okay. I have lots of ideas about what we can do!

I'll let you know if he likes his presents or not! Check back tomorrow!


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