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November 23, 2001 - Friday

A pretty good day. It's Fumihiko's birthday, so before we went to bed I gave him one of his presents. He liked it! Yay!

In the morning we slept way, way in. It was nice, as I was pretty tired. When we did get up I gave him his other presents. He got some socks from Uniqlo, and two shirts, a sweater and a vest from Jusco. He said he liked them, and he tried them on and I think that they looked pretty good too. I complained a few weeks ago that he had nothing to wear to go out to someone's he does!

We went downstairs and had yakisoba, which I helped cook, then came back upstairs for a nap. It was a lovely day, very warm, so after a while we decided to go for a drive. We went to check out his fishing spots to see if there were any fish, and then drove to a place near Atsumi Onsen. It was fun, but on the way back I'm afraid I fell asleep. When there's no good music I can't stay awake in cars.

After supper, we went to the apartment so that I could do some stamping. Fumihiko was supposed to help me, but he didn't really. Still, he did try and it was nice to have company. I made about 18 or so cards, not bad for a first day. I hope to go back on Sunday and do some more. While we were there, Hard to Kill, the old Steven Seagal film came on so we watched it. It was one that I liked. Also, while we were there, Fumihiko made some Tibetan tea from a package that we bought in Niigata. It was a nice treat.

We left the apartment after 11:30 and were heading home when I announced that I was a bit hungry. 2 minutes later, Fumihiko realized that he was too! We ended up going for a curry, which was nice, but maybe not right before bedtime!

We're now in the process of getting ready to get some sleep. I have a very busy day tomorrow and I'm quite tired, so I need some rest.

Catch you tomorrow night! Bye for now.....

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